Why holding gold is an advantage during a crisis

Why holding gold is an advantage during a crisis

Tuesday 31 August 2021 Vol.12 Ed.35.1

Commentary: Liquidity in times of crisis

By Pierre Ortlieb in London

Stefan Beiner is head of asset management and deputy CEO at PUBLICA, Switzerland’s largest pension fund. He spoke to OMFIF about the advantages for pension funds of holding gold and inflation-protected government bonds during times of crisis. He explained why PUBLICA has such a high gold allocation and why he thinks inflation-linked bonds will...


SDR proposals could help reset international monetary system, The IMF’s World Economic Outlook Update

SDR proposals could help reset international monetary system, The IMF’s World Economic Outlook Update

Wednesday 24 March 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.12.3

Commentary: SDR proposals could help reset international monetary system

By Willem Middelkoop and David Marsh

The International Monetary Fund’s special drawing right is undergoing a renaissance, with worldwide repercussions. The announcement of the largest-ever increase in SDR allocations, which will improve the liquidity of many developing nations, signals...


Transportation Liquidity and Credit Analysis in a COVID19 Driven Recession

When the financial markets come under stress and the U.S. enters a recession, credit
analysis always comes back to the forefront and is the most important consideration
of investors. This is where we find ourselves now in the aftermath of COVID-19
becoming a global pandemic that has effectively shut down much of the global

One scary fact is that prior to COVID-19 becoming a pandemic (as of the end of 2019),
the percentage of U.S. publicly traded companies that lost money in the prior 12
