Key Indicators in the Asia Residual Fuel Market This Week

Singapore’s bunker suppliers said on May 31 they were expecting to see a slight recovery in demand for low sulfur fuel oil in June, as Singapore’s delivered prices have fallen back below those in the Chinese port of Zhoushan since mid-May, reports Platts.

“The segment of dry bulk vessels and tankers running fixed routes would at least make up the base demand,” a Singapore-based trader said.

“However, oversupply [of marine fuel 0.5%] in China remains a concern,” he added.
High sulfur fuel oil...

Meiji Shipping Expanding Its LNG Tanker Fleet

Meiji Shipping is expanding its fleet of LNG tankers as part of efforts to strengthen its ship management business, says an article published in Argus Media.

LNG shipping demand

Japanese shipowner Meiji Shipping is expanding its fleet of LNG tankers as part of efforts to strengthen its ship management business and tap growth in LNG shipping demand.

LNG vessels acquisition

Meiji Shipping decided to buy two 170,000m³ LNG vessels, indirectly owned by Shell from UK-based Methane Services. 

The two...

LNG Tankers Back Up Outside Channel To Sabine Pass Terminal

The queue for tankers waiting to come into Cheniere Energy’s Sabine Pass LNG export terminal was getting longer as fog kept pilot service suspended along the channel serving the Louisiana facility for the second day in a row Feb. 10, reports Platts.

What Happened

Four unladen LNG tankers were anchored in the Gulf of Mexico near the US coast, while two tankers remained moored at the terminal, according to cFlow, S&P Global Platts trade flow software.

What Notice Says

Across all vessel types, 10 were...

LNG Tankers Change Destination, Puzzles Stakeholders

  • Two liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers that had initially signalled they would load at Royal Dutch Shell’s Prelude floating LNG facility in Australia have diverted elsewhere.
  • This comes just a week after Shell said that Prelude would resume loading cargoes after production had been suspended for nearly a year following an electrical trip.
  • A second LNG tanker, the Gaslog Glasgow, arrived offshore the Prelude area on Jan. 12 and had originally signalled to load from the facility on Jan. 21.


Wait Time Up To 13 Days for LNG Tankers Without Reservation

Average Panama Canal passage wait times for Asia-bound LNG tankers from the US Gulf Coast without reservations are up to 13 days, the Panama Canal Authority has reported.

The wait times for Asia-bound cargoes have increased since the delays began in earnest in late October, while they have decreased for cargoes headed in the other direction, reports S&P Global Platts.

Causes for the delay

The ongoing constraints come at a time of surging export activity by the world’s third-largest producer of the...

Asian LNG Prices Slip as China Stays Away

  • LNG shipping rates for the Pacific basin jumped to $75,000 per day, from $61,000 – $65,000 last week.
  • The average LNG price for November delivery into northeast Asia was estimated at $5.55 per million British thermal units (mmBtu), down from $5.75 per mmBtu last week.
  • Dutch front-month prices, a European benchmark, traded at around 16 euros per megawatt-hour, or $5.15, compared to $3.51 at the end of September.
  • European countries such as France, Austria, and Poland reported gas storage 100%...

Τα δεξαμενόπλοια στην αμερικανική σκακιέρα

Ντόμινο εξελίξεων στην αγορά των LNG και των tankers έχει φέρει η πρόσφατη απόφαση των ΗΠΑ να επιβάλουν κυρώσεις στις θυγατρικές τoυ κινεζικού κολοσσού COSCO, COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) Co. και COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) Seaman & Ship Management Co., με την κατηγορία για παράνομη μεταφορά ιρανικού πετρελαίου.

Η Teekay LNG ενημέρωσε τη Δευτέρα 30 Σεπτεμβρίου ότι η κοινοπραξία της στο φιλόδοξο project «Yamal LNG» στη Ρωσία έχει ουσιαστικά «μπλοκαριστεί», καθώς η COSCO Dalian κατέχει το 50%...