Locomation poised to start rolling out autonomous trucking technology at scale in 2023

Autonomous trucks have been one of the industry’s hottest topics over the past several years. Many companies have created long-term cost savings and sustainability plans that hinge on these highly anticipated vehicles. Now, they’re finally starting to hit the highway.

The number of automated trucks and buses on the road is expected to grow from practically zero this year to 1.2 million by 2032, according to a new market analysis by Guidehouse Insights, and well-known AV technology company...


Net-Zero Carbon recap: Autonomous trucks a boon to decarbonization

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Net-Zero Carbon Summit.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Autonomous vehicles are blazing a path for sustainable long-haul trucking. 

DETAILS: Autonomous transport is leading the way to emissions reductions and time savings for the long-haul trucking industry.

SPEAKERS: Cetin Mericli is CEO and co-founder of Pittsburgh-based Locomation, a provider of autonomous trucking technology solutions. Kaylee Nix is a reporter at FreightWaves.


“When we...


Locomation signs up 3rd trucking company to test autonomous technology

LAS VEGAS — Locomation’s autonomous vehicle technology now has a third trucking company as a partner.

Stafford, Missouri-based Christenson Transportation will test Locomation’s autonomous relay technology on 500 miles of routes on three interstates operating out of its hub in Nashville, Tennessee.”

Cetin Mercli, Locomation’s co-founder and CEO, used the platform of the Truckload Carriers Association to make the announcement.

At the press conference announcing the signing, Don Christenson, CEO of...


Truck Tech: Workin’ for a livin’ edition

This week, unmasked in Indy with snowplows, dump trucks, cranes and lots of step vans with an electric undercurrent; “EV-ready” tires; and Locomation keeps its biggest customer in the fold.

Not counting air travel to the Work Truck Week event in Indianapolis, the event was a maskless affair. While COVID impacts continue to snarl supply chains and spike commodity prices, the well-attended event focusing on Class 2-6 trucks at the Indianapolis Convention Center exhibited only a few individual...


Locomation operating model helps fleets run longer, gain efficiency and increase profitability

Autonomous trucking has long been heralded as the answer to a variety of persistent supply chain ills, including hours of service constraints, underutilized assets and wasted miles driven without a load and growing labor shortages. Once regarded as a thing of the far-off future, autonomous technology is becoming an attainable reality quicker than anyone expected. Trucking companies hoping to utilize this technology most effectively should begin making strategic changes to their operating models...


Saving the planet and protecting bottom lines go hand in hand

Moving into 2022, sustainability is top of mind for consumers and logistics companies alike. Logistics has historically been a high carbon intensity industry, as transportation of all kinds accounts for approximately 29% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. That makes transportation the largest single contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. 

With natural disasters on the rise and climate change dominating the news cycle, the public is...


Overinvestment in load matching technologies isn’t solving deeper transportation issues

Since 2011, $302 billion of venture capital funding has been invested in supply chain technology, leading to advancements on a decades-old, fundamental logistics problem: matching loads to trucks. Obviously, there are benefits to increased supply chain visibility ⁠— fewer empty miles, increased driver retention, predictive analytics, as well as improved communication between shippers and carriers. But are these innovations sufficient to address the most highly impacting issues facing the...


Locomation claims huge improvements in emissions and fuel savings

Locomation, pursuing an autonomous two-truck convoy approach while others are working on equipping one truck for self-driving, claims an environmental impact study shows double-digit improvements in fuel consumption and total operating costs for moving freight by truck.

The electronically tethered trucks will start out with human drivers in both trucks, but only the lead truck will have a driver in control. The following truck will operate as a robot, allowing the driver to work on other tasks...


F3 chat: Humans will always have roles in trucking

This fireside chat recap is from Day 3 of FreightWaves’ F3 Virtual Experience.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Tracking autonomous trucking regulation.

DETAILS: No matter how great their ideas for improving regulations to support driverless trucking, the nascent autonomous vehicle industry is stuck with rules written for humans to conduct every operation inside and outside the truck. 

SPEAKER: Finch Fulton, vice president of policy and strategy, Locomation.

BIO: Fulton joined autonomous trucking convoy...
