Seroka: Port of LA ‘stayed the course’ during difficult 2020

Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka delivered a State of the Port address Thursday that reflected on Americans’ resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic while looking ahead to economic resurgence.

Seroka said that despite the “unexpected events” of 2020, the port accomplished or significantly advanced all of the priorities he laid out in his address last year. Focus on such priorities as workplace diversity, supply chain optimization, drayage efficiency, zero-emissions equipment...

CMA CGM donates 200,000 face masks

Flanked by stacks of boxes containing 200,000 respirator face masks, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said CMA CGM’s donation “reflects the power of partnerships.”

Garcetti thanked the French ocean carrier for the gift of the face masks to Logistics Victory Los Angeles at the Port of LA last week. The mayor in early April tapped Port of LA Executive Director Gene Seroka to serve as the city’s chief logistics officer and charged him with getting personal protective equipment essential in the fight...

Seroka: Information flow vital for ocean container moves

Water may not be the most vital element to U.S. ports’ success. Perhaps it’s a cloud, if you will.

“We are calling for a nationwide port community system. We need to be able to get containers to our export market, to our ag co-ops and many others and match them up with rail and truck services, the international ships and reintroduce us to our overseas customers. We will be able to help the American economy reemerge as long as we have a coordinated system of efforts through one screen,” Port of...