Are the best logistics companies really tech companies?

Successful logistics companies tend to excel in several different areas, namely customer service, efficiency and transparency. Most of the high-tech products hitting the market exist to address these very same concerns. As the industry continues to navigate its fairly recent technological awakening, it is becoming clear that the best logistics companies boast a strong focus on technology. In fact, it has become nearly impossible to succeed in the space without embracing tech.

“Technology is...

4PLs provide competitive advantage needed to thrive in 2021

Logistics is a notoriously volatile industry. During market shifts, it can be difficult for shippers to decide which modes, providers and contract/rate types will serve their business best. In the constant race to keep up, many default to the most common solutions, unable to set aside the time required to look deeper into their options. Ultimately, this approach leads to lost time, lost money and lost opportunities.

In a tight capacity market, it can be difficult for shippers to effectively...

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