Against the odds: MSC’s Bolloré bid is complex – may leave CMA CGM exposed

MSC’s bid to purchase Bolloré’s African port business may transpire to be one of the largest single M&A moves in the transport and logistics sector – but it could also turn out to be hideously complex.
As DVZ’s editor-in-chief Sebastian Reimann noted in his commentary on the deal: “The many [African] acquisitions make it clear, however, that it is hardly possible to develop this promising, but also highly complex, market organically. …

The post Against the odds: MSC’s Bolloré bid is complex –...

MSC offers storage in terminal yards to help prevent import congestion at ports

As consumer demand in Europe and North America drops off a cliff, fears have grown among logistics operators of an impending container congestion crisis at import destinations as shipments arranged before widespread social lockdowns have continued towards their destinations.
In response, MSC has introduced a suspension of transit (SOT) programme to help shippers and their freight service providers prevent container exports out of Asia building up at ports, by offering terminal …

The post MSC...

MSC vessel attacked off W. African coast

Seven crew have reportedly been taken hostage and another ten crew are have retired to the security of the onboard citadel and are in touch with the company following an attack by armed men on an MSC vessel of the coast of West Africa on 22 March.

The vessel, the Portuguese flagged MSC Talia F, came under attack 52 nautical miles west of Libreville, Gabon, while heading for to the port from Lomé, Togo. All 17 crew of the 957TEU vessel are understood to be Ukrainian.

Security firm Dryad Global has...

Shanghai still world’s busiest container port, but Singapore is climbing back

The port of Shanghai has maintained its position as the world largest container port.
However, new data from Alphaliner today shows its lead over second-placed Singapore narrowed last year.
Shanghai posted 2018 throughput of 42.01m teu, 4.4% growth on 2017, while Singapore handled 36.6m teu, representing growth of 8.7%.
And the 5.41m teu differential between them was narrower than the 6.56m teu difference this time last year.
The 2.93m teu Singapore gained made it …

The post Shanghai still...