The United Fishing Agency is one of the best things that has ever happened to Hawaii’s seafood industry. It is also one of the best things that ever happened to me. Without doubt it completed my education in ichthyology and marine biology. Not only that, it was indirectly responsible insert for me...
Longlining World
VESSEL REVIEW | Te Runanga – New Zealand’s Westfleet welcomes Southern Ocean ling catcher
Greymouth, New Zealand-based fishing company Westfleet Seafoods recently took delivery of a new longline fishing vessel built by compatriot shipyard the AIMEX Service Group. Designed by Australian naval architecture firm Oceantech, the vessel has been named Te Runanga after a town in New Zealand’s...
VESSEL REVIEW | Jinfeng 2 – Chinese tuna longliner pair built for Atlantic sailings
China’s Dalian Liaoning Shipyard has handed over two tuna longline fishing vessels in a series to local shipowner Sino-Ocean. Jinfeng 2 and Jinfeng 4 will be operated in the Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, they are designed for operation in the higher latitudes that are characterised by significantly...
Fishing Vessel News Roundup | September 26 – Norwegian hybrid wellboat, Russian crabber/shrimper and more
Deliveries include an ice-capable crab boat for Russia, a Finnish-built net fishing vessel, and a hybrid wellboat for a Norwegian owner. An Australian fishing company has meanwhile placed an order for a longliner designed to catch toothfish in the Southern Ocean. Finnish builder delivers net...
Crew rescued after Taiwanese fishing vessel sinks in Indian Ocean
Taiwan News reports that all 16 crewmembers of a Taiwanese fishing vessel have been safely rescued after their vessel sank in the Indian Ocean off the coast of South Africa on Tuesday, September 12. The incident occurred at around 09:00 local time on Tuesday when the 100-tonne tuna longliner Der...
VESSEL REVIEW | Skulebas – Fishing training vessel delivered to Norwegian owner
Hvide Sande Shipyard in Denmark has handed over a new fishing/training vessel ordered by the Vestland County Municipality of Norway. Named Skulebas, the vessel boasts compartments that will function as classrooms to help train aspiring fishing vessel crews. Accommodations are available for up to...
Fishing Vessel News Roundup | August 1 – Chinese tuna boats, new Russian trawler design and more
Deliveries include a compact trawler for a French owner and two longliners for China’s tuna fishing fleet in the Atlantic. A new Russian crab boat will meanwhile begin ..
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REMINISCENCES | Dealing with rogue Japanese trawlers
This episode is a bit complicated because it involves five rogue Japanese coral draggers and two Japanese stern trawlers, all operating on Hancock Seamount several hundre ..
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Fishing Vessel News Roundup | May 17 – Deliveries to Norway and New Zealand plus Russian longliner’s sea trials
Recent deliveries include a Norwegian netting boat and catamaran workboats for two operators in New Zealand. Construction continues on six new distant-water trawlers for ..
Indian Ocean Tuna Commission adopts new catch limits, reductions
The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) recently adopted nine resolutions, notably on bigeye tuna, electronic monitoring system, and cetaceans, by consensus at its recent ..
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