Russian seafood company Norebo Group has placed an order for four freezer longliners in a series with local shipbuilder Severnaya Verf. Each Project 200101 longliner will ..
Longlining World
OPINION | Tuna price-fixing scandal implicates global NGOs
On Tuesday, Chris Lischewski, the driving force behind the creation of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), received a three-year prison ..
Norway’s H.P. Holmeset takes delivery of longliner
H.P. Holmeset of Ålesund, Norway, took delivery of a new purpose-built longliner on Saturday, May 16. The newbuild was formally named Geir that same day at the ..
COLUMN | Fishing in the time of the pandemic [Fishing for a Living]
There was a time, decades ago, when I thought that a cannery or reduction plant was just something that I had to walk past to get down to the boat that I crewed on. Of ..
BOOK REVIEW | Swimming with Fishes
Your reviewer has known Bob Iversen for more than twenty years and has enjoyed many a chat with him. He is a true intellectual of the old school who also happens to have ..
Welcome to Fishing and Aquaculture Week! 05/2020
It has been an interesting couple of months for the global fishing and aquaculture sectors. Many new and impressive new vessels have been ordered and delivered. At the ..
The post Welcome to Fishing and Aquaculture Week! 05/2020 appeared first on Baird Maritime.
Norway’s Stadyard completes eighth longliner in series for local owner
Norwegian builder Stadyard has completed construction on a new longliner/netter for Stormhav, a fishing company in the country’s northern Troms og Finnmark county. ..