Regulator vows to back US exporters fearful about Trump’s shipping fees

WASHINGTON — Federal Maritime Commission Chairman Louis Sola told port executives that a priority under his tenure would be assisting U.S. exporters, but that didn’t quell concerns about the effect that million-dollar port fees planned against Chinese vessel operators would have on American ports.

“Exports, particularly energy and agriculture, could be priced out and make competitors from other nations more affordable for our customers abroad,” an attendee told Sola at a legislative conference...

US regulators balk at billion-dollar takeover of Ports America

Two U.S. Federal Maritime commissioners concerned about foreign ownership of American supply chains want federal officials to conduct a “full and thorough review” of the proposed purchase of Ports America by a Canadian pension fund.

In a letter sent last week to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, FMC Commissioners Carl Bentzel and Louis Sola warned that the proposed acquisition by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPP Investments) could run counter to U.S. economic interests.


FMC’s Maffei says capacity demand won’t recede ‘until late 2022’

For logistics managers around the world, planning a budget for next year will be as easy as swimming in cement shoes. The inverted ratio for supply and demand is not expected to right itself anytime soon — and that means prices will continue to soar. 

Importers and exporters have expressed their concerns to the Biden administration, Congress and the Federal Maritime Commission. While optimism has increased after the executive order on supply chain competition and FMC Commissioner Rebecca Dye’s...

Seafarer crew crisis ‘only going to get worse’

An International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) official warns American Shipper that the maritime industry’s ongoing crew change crisis is “only going to get worse.”

ICS explained that COVID-19 travel restrictions, as well as the growing list of countries banning crew changes for vessels that have called at one of the Indian subcontinent ports in the past 14 days, are the primary reasons behind this lingering crisis. 

“There are 200,000 seafarers currently experiencing issues with crew change,...

Regulators weigh in on fight between tankers and container ships

A Texas law that has largely pitted the energy and container trades against each other at the Port of Houston has sparked interest from the Federal Maritime Commission.

In a letter sent Tuesday addressed to the Port of Houston Authority Port Commission and the Houston channel pilots board, Federal Maritime Commissioners Carl Bentzel and Louis Sola warned that the law, which is meant to promote safety in the Houston Ship Channel (HSC), “could severely hamper” the competitiveness not only of the...

FMC’s Canadian ballast water rule investigation begins

The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) said on Tuesday it will start its investigation into whether Canada’s proposed ballast water regulations discriminate against U.S.-flag vessels operating in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.

The FMC published a notice on its website setting a 30-day deadline for interested parties to submit comments related to the commission’s investigation. The notice will also be published in the Federal Register soon.

On May 20, the five FMC commissioners —...

FMC investigates Canada’s proposed ballast water rules for Great Lakes

The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) said it will investigate whether Canada’s proposed ballast water regulations discriminate against U.S.-flag vessels operating in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.

All five FMC commissioners — Chairman Michael Kouri, Rebecca Dye, Louis Sola, Danial Maffei and Carl Bentzel — on Wednesday voted to approve the petition from the Lake Carriers’ Association (LCA), which asked the agency to carry out the investigation.

Under Section 19(1)(b) of the 1920...

FMC urges Congress to aid distressed US box terminals

Steep reductions in containership sailings over the next several months due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic have many U.S. marine terminal operators wondering how they are going to afford their annual lease payments to port authorities.

The country’s nearly 100 large and small container terminals are on some of the priciest industrial property. According to industry experts, terminal operators in the Port of New York and New Jersey annually spend about $90,000 per acre as port authority...