Prep for peak season before it’s too late — At Your Doorstep

It’s going to be tough to match the stress the 2020 holiday shopping season put on the parcel delivery network, but continued COVID-19 spread and lack of capacity in freight networks could lead to shippers being out of luck again this year around peak season deliveries. 

There are some steps shippers can take now to prepare for what’s to come, and Kaylee Nix breaks down those steps on this episode of At Your Doorstep. Nix welcomes Nate Skiver, founder of LPF Spend Management, to talk about how a...

Regional carriers by any other name

About a month ago, Nate Skiver, founder of LPF Spend Management, a parcel-delivery consultancy, posed a rhetorical question on his LinkedIn page: What if shippers and retailers used regional delivery carriers and last-mile providers to meet their primary e-commerce delivery needs and used UPS Inc. (NYSE:UPS) and FedEx Corp. (NYSE:FDX) to fill in the blanks as backups?

Skiver’s musings received about 10,000 page views, striking a chord in an industry experiencing profound changes in how its...