CBO: New LSM medium landing ships would cost two to three times more than Navy estimates

Back in January, Naval Sea Systems Command issued the Navy’s initial Request For Proposals (RFP) for the detail design and construction (DD&C) of six landing ship medium (LSM) ships. Now it appears those ships could cost way more than the Navy estimates. In response to a request from the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has prepared a report on the planned LSM program. Previously called the light amphibious warship (LAW), the new ship is expected to...


Studies Highlight LBM and LSM As Viable Bunker Fuel

  • SEA-LNG released the latest in its series of independently conducted reports.
  • It analyses the availability and costs of Liquefied Bio Methane (LBM) and Liquefied Synthetic Methane (LSM).
  • They are available in sufficient quantities to make a contribution towards future decarbonization.
  • Costs need not be significantly higher than those of other low- and zero-carbon fuels.
  • They are commercially competitive relative to other low- and zero-carbon fuels.

According to an article published in...
