Monaco tightens Health Pass rules…

Monaco tightens Health Pass rules… 

Good Morning Monaco

Friday, November 12, 2021

Monaco tightens and extends Health Pass rules

The Monaco Government announced on Thursday afternoon that the Health Pass will be extended until February 25 next year, at the end of the school holiday.

Six new coronavirus cases on Thursday

Six Monaco residents tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday, November 11. Four residents were declared fully-recovered.

Eneti to make stock offering

Monaco-based Eneti Inc. will...

National Council approves Health Pass sanctions…

National Council approves Health Pass sanctions…

Good Morning Monaco – Wednesday, September 15, 2021

National Council approves Health Pass sanctions

Monaco’s elected National Council met in high security on Tuesday night to discuss the controversial bill that requires health professionals to be double-jabbed or face serious sanctions.

Anti-Health Pass protest at CHPG

Demonstrators gathered outside the Princess Grace Hospital from 16:00 on Tuesday, September 14, to protest against Government...

Health Pass sit-in planned for 15:30…

Health Pass sit-in planned for 15:30…

Good Morning Monaco – Thursday, September 9, 2021

Health Pass sit-in planned for 15:30

Part 2 of the anti-Health Pass campaign led by Sharon Rochetin and her Facebook group will take place on Thursday, September 9, at Place des Moulins…

Monaco firefighters mourned at Cathedral ceremony

The funeral mass for the two Monaco firefighter victims of a tragic road accident took place at the Cathedral of Monaco on Wednesday, September 8.

Belarusian thief ‘was following...

Government clarifies Health Pass eligibility…

Government clarifies Health Pass eligibility… 

Good Morning Monaco – Friday, July 30, 2021

Government clarifies Health Pass eligibility

Monaco’s Ministry of Health has responded to a number of queries raised by NEWS.MC about who qualifies for the Health Pass.

Twenty new coronavirus cases

Twenty Monaco residents tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday, July 29. Eleven residents were declared fully-recovered.

Monaco extends vaccinations for employees

The Government is extending free vaccination to...