Sitetracker: Speeding electric truck charging behind the scenes

Announcements of new charging depots for electric trucks seem to come almost weekly. Some are more promises than ready-to-go power. Sitetracker, a SaaS business rooted in telecommunications, is providing a cloud-based backbone to move things along.

Sitetracker has been around since 2008. In four rounds of fundraising, it has brought in $183 million, including $66 million in a Series D round in 2022. The Montclair, New Jersey-based company has doubled its head count while seizing opportunities in...

Tesla to trucking industry: Step up your electric game

LAS VEGAS — The Advanced Clean Truck Expo is a come-all event. Until this year, Tesla has passed on attending.

The ACT Expo has outgrown the art deco charm of Long Beach and the “Disney-fied” atmosphere of Anaheim, California. This year, it moved to convention mecca with exhibitors filling the North Hall of the sprawling Las Vegas Convention Center. It returns to Anaheim in 2025, occupying both halls of the convention center in 2025.

Dozens of battery electric, fuel-cell electric and alternative...

Electric trucks find a sweet spot with inbound logistics

Using electric trucks for short, repeatable trips to assembly plants is expanding as more OEMs require suppliers to shush the noise and eliminate the diesel exhaust that accompany delivering incoming parts and components.

How did inbound logistics become a thing in an industry where change most often meets resistance? For their own reasons, stakeholders from sustainability-conscious shippers to regulators and OEMs like inbound logistics as a use case for electric trucks.

Was this newsletter...

Volvo Group reports strong Q4 results but caution for 2024

Sweden’s Volvo Group reported a 10% increase in fourth-quarter sales and mostly positive financial metrics for Q4 and 2023. But the truck, bus and construction equipment maker suggested softening sales this year as pent-up pandemic demand has largely been met.

Volvo posted net income of $1.16 billion, or 59 cents per diluted share, in the final three months of 2023, up 80.6% compared with $641.4 million, or 31 cents, in the same period a year earlier.

For the full year 2023, Volvo increased net...

Electric trucks should shake off setbacks in 2024

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Meaningful volume growth eluded heavy-duty electric trucks last year for several reasons: Charging...

New Class 8 truck deliveries fall for 4 consecutive months  

The strength in new Class 8 orders belies a four-month slide in deliveries while used truck prices continue to fall, albeit more slowly as 2023 comes to a close.

Through the first 11 months of the year, the industry has delivered 242,881 new Class 8 trucks, 7.8% more than the same period in 2022, according to Ward’s Intelligence. But the year-over-year lead has shrunk each month since February when sales were 35% ahead compared with 2022.

This contrasts with ACT Research, which reported net...

Electrolyzers only scratch the surface of midcentury hydrogen demand

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Even as manufacturing of electrolyzers grows, the hydrogen-making devices barely address the...

Ree Automotive: Business life during wartime

Startup Ree Automotive builds its drive-by-wire electric powertrains in the United Kingdom. Its future customer base is mostly in the U.S. But its headquarters is in Tel Aviv, where the Hamas-Israel war takes an emotional toll on employees and their families called to fight.

Israel-based businesses count on some portion of their workforces serving in defense of the country surrounded by enemies sworn to destroy it.

When war comes calling, as it did during the Oct. 7 surprise bombing of Israel by...

UAW at Mack Trucks overwhelmingly ratifies earlier rejected deal

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United Auto Workers members at Mack Trucks ratified a new five-year contract they had earlier...

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