Two Chinese Survey Ships are Probing a Strategic Section of the Indian Ocean

H I Sutton Image used with permission

China is gathering data on the undersea environment in the Indian Ocean as evidenced by two government survey ships seen operating in the region via open source satellite photos.

These survey activities may be aimed at giving Chinese submariners an advantage in their area.

In January, a Chinese survey ship was accused of “running dark” – a term used to describe a ship operating without transmitting its position – in Indonesia waters. That was against a...

Satellite Images Detect “Magic Pipe” With Vessel Info

Environmental monitoring group SkyTruth has exposed how common it is for ships to pump their waste oil out in Indonesian waters, says an article published in Eco Business.

What happened?

Two ships have been spotted allegedly dumping waste oil in the sea off the eastern coast of Sumatra.

Activists say is poor enforcement against marine pollution violations in Indonesia.

The involved vessels

One of the vessels has been identified in a report by the environmental monitoring group SkyTruth as the...