Demand proves strong for Australian citrus industry

Pictured: slices of oranges; credit: Alice Pasqual from Unsplash

Nathan Hancock, chief executive officer at industry association Citrus Australia, explains how COVID-19 has affected the citrus-growing and exporting industry in Australia. 

COVID-19 has proved disruptive to the Australian citrus industry this year but strong domestic and international demand for our world class fruit has provided a silver lining.

Seasonal workers

COVID-19 made an immediate impact, when Prime Minister Scott Morrison...

Hapag-Lloyd penetrates attractive business

Hapag-Lloyd’s article:

Pakistan is the sixth-largest producer of (mandarin) oranges in the world, with 2.1 million tonnes of annual cultivation. The “Citrus reticulata” variety known popularly as Kinnow is the largest unique variety of citrus and is indigenous to this part of the world. According to one estimate, approximately 95 percent of all Kinnow in the world is grown in Pakistan.

The soil and climatic conditions in Pakistan have given the Kinnow a very unique flavour, which distinguishes it...