What does it take to set up manufacturing shop in Mexico?

Some global manufacturers could be feeling a cost crunch, and Mexico might be the solution they’re looking for, according to Joshua Rubin, vice president of business development at Javid LLC.

“We’re pushing this initiative for ally-shoring, to get manufacturers involved into wanting to come back into Mexico — and bring their products that are coming from China right now — into Mexico and provide companies the framework of how you can do it,” Rubin said. 

The webinar, “Ally-shoring Mexico:...


Continental to lay off 2,000 as it closes Mexican factory

German automotive supplier Continental AG recently announced it will close an auto parts factory along the U.S.-Mexico border by 2024 as part of a restructuring plan.

The plant employs 2,000 workers and makes electronic parts used in vehicles manufactured by Chrysler, General Motors, Ford, Nissan, Kia, Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai and BMW.

“Unfortunately, the news is going to be tough for us here in Nogales with the departure of Continental,” said Joshua Rubin, vice president of Javid, a shelter...


Canadian firm to build third manufacturing plant in Juárez, Mexico

Canadian manufacturer Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) announced it will expand its capacity in Mexico with the construction of a new plant in Ciudad Juárez. 

The $185 million manufacturing plant will be the company’s third in Juárez and create up to 1,000 new permanent jobs, said José Boisjoli, BRP’s president and chief executive officer.

“Despite the [coronavirus] pandemic, demand for our products has remained strong, and even surpassed last year’s figures for the same period,” Boisjoli...


Borderlands: Mexican export factories back to work; $2.5 million in drugs found in mattress shipment

Borderlands is a weekly rundown of developments in the world of United States-Mexico cross-border trucking and trade. This week: Mexican export factories back to work; Texas seaport awarded road improvement grant; Canadian company plans $26 million Texas distribution center expansion; $2.5 million in drugs found in mattress shipment from Mexico.

More than 100 maquiladoras get back to work in Nogales, Mexico

After weeks of being mostly closed due to pandemic restrictions, hundreds of export...


Mexico creates confusion, announces auto factories will reopen June 1

In the face of a worsening health crisis, the Mexican government announced that auto factories may reopen on June 1, and not Monday as originally announced.

The new decree is a reversal from Mexican President Andres Manuel Obrador’s recent announcement that construction, mining and auto manufacturing would be considered “essential activities,” and could resume next week.

The new decree to restart factories June 1 came as a surprise to many auto industry officials who were expecting to open next...
