Renowned economist predicts decline of large container vessels in future trade landscape

The large container vessels might become increasingly obsolete, according to the renowned economist, historian and journalist Marc Levinson, in a future trading landscape, where trade is more fragmented and regionalised, involving shipping over shorter distances, and the volume of product shipped grows more slowly due to advances in technology.

“I don’t think that these enormous vessels are really so practical, aside from the fact that they don’t really seem to have the economies of scale that...

Why Shippers Built Massive Vessels?

Unless you’re involved with international commerce in some way, you might not have heard that the cost of shipping goods out of China is absolutely soaring right now, says an article published in Bloomberg.

What Happened?

Six months ago, the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index of spot shipping rates was at 1,022. As of Friday, it was close to 3,000. On the latest episode of the “Odd Lots” podcast, we spoke with economist and historian Marc Levinson, the author of “The Box,” a book on the...