Ingalls completes acceptance trials of final Flight I LPD

Huntington Ingalls Industries (NYSE: HII) reports that its Ingalls Shipbuilding division has successfully completed the acceptance trials of amphibious transport dock Richard M. McCool Jr. (LPD 29), the final Flight I LPD transition ship before Ingalls moves into serial production of the LPD Flight II line.

As we reported earlier, the vessel completed builder’s trials last month.

”We have had a successful trial and it is only through the efforts of our shipbuilders and our dedicated Navy and...

Ingalls Shipbuilding completes LPD 29 builder’s sea trials

LPD 29 on builder's trials

Huntington Ingalls Industries (NYSE: HII) reports that its Ingalls Shipbuilding division has successfully completed builder’s sea trials of the amphibious transport dock ship Richard M. McCool Jr. (LPD 29). Launched in January 2022, the San Antonio-class ship spent time in the Gulf of Mexico testing all systems in preparation for the remaining events that will occur prior to delivery of the ship, expected to occur in the spring.

“Our shipbuilders have worked hard to get LPD 29 to sea,” said...

Evergreen: Ganancias caen versus el año anterior, buen rendimiento de trimestre al otro

Evergreen experimentó una considerable disminución en los beneficios operativos en el tercer trimestre en comparación con 2023. No obstante, muestra resistencia de un trimestre a otro, según fuentes.

Esta entrada Evergreen: Ganancias caen versus el año anterior, buen rendimiento de trimestre al otro

IMPA & GenPro’s Marine Sustainability Standard

Credit: Ship Management International_CrewConnect-global

IMPA and GenPro are partnering to introduce the industry’s first Maritime Supply Chain Sustainability Standard (MSCSS) at IMPA London 2023 during London International Shipping Week.

Creating a Crucial Maritime Sustainability Standard

For over two years, the IMPA and GenPro working group have been active in developing the standard that will set the minimum Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) requirements a marine supplier and/or...

IMPA & GenPro’s Marine Sustainability Standard

Credit: Ship Management International_CrewConnect-global

IMPA and GenPro are partnering to introduce the industry’s first Maritime Supply Chain Sustainability Standard (MSCSS) at IMPA London 2023 during London International Shipping Week.

Creating a Crucial Maritime Sustainability Standard

For over two years, the IMPA and GenPro working group have been active in developing the standard that will set the minimum Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) requirements a marine supplier and/or...