[Infographic] Downward Trend in Marine Casualties in 2020

The RMI Annual Report on marine safety investigations for 2020 records a total of 726 very serious marine casualties, marine casualties, marine incidents, and occurrences, 80 less than reported during 2019, reads a Safety4sea article.

Key findings

Very Serious Marine Casualties (involving loss of life, total loss of the vessel, or significant environmental damage)

During 2020, 16 very serious marine casualties were reported to the Administrator.

  • They involved 14 merchant vessels and two yachts,...


Six bodies recovered from Taimareho man-overboard accident

The Solomon Island Maritime Authority reported that six bodies have been recovered near South Malaita Island after a storm swept at least 27 people over the side of the ferry Taimareho, on Friday, April 3.

Specifically, official authorities of the area informed that the ferry departed Honiara for West Are’are on Thursday night, April 2, despite the Tropical Cyclone Harold approaching. Although the ferry arrived almost safely, the high waves caused by the cyclone, resulted to more than two dozen...


Investigation report: Tanker grounds due to not fully engineered ECDIS

Germany’s Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation (BSU) has published its investigation report on the grounding of the LNG tanker Pazifik off Indonesia on July 9, 2018, concluding that the incident was caused due to the not fully engineered ECDIS.

On July 9 2018, the LNG tanker Pazifik off Indonesia ran aground on a shoal between the islands of Komodo and Banta.

The ship was loaded with 18,000t of ammonia. Since only the forepeak and ballast tanks were damaged, no cargo escaped. After...


USCG medevacs captain exhibiting symptoms of possible heart attack

The US Coast Guard (USCG) medevaced a man from a cargo vessel that was sailing approximately 25 miles off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland, after reports of experiencing symptoms of a possible heart attack.

Specifically, the crewmembers aboard the Panamanian flagged cargo ship Balsa 84, which was in route to the Delaware Bay area, came into contact with watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay’s command center at approximately 10:20 a.m., when they reported that the 61-year-old Filipino...


South Korean sailors injured after grenade explodes during maritime drills

During a maritime drill, six South Korean Navy Sailors were injured on Tuesday, March 3, when a grenade exploded inside a high-speed battleship, with the reasons remaining unknown.

Specifically, Yonhap news agency reported that the grenade explosion took place onboard the 130-ton patrol killer boat at about 1:00 p.m. local time off the southern coast.

After the maritime firing drills, the sailors also conducted grenade-throwing exercises and that’s when one grenade exploded inside the boat.

It is...


Chinese cargo ship sinks off Japan, 13 missing

A Chinese cargo ship collided with a Japanese fishing vessel, resulting to the former’s sinking. From the sunken vessel, one crew member was rescued, whereas 13 seafarers are still missing.

Specifically, the Chinese cargo vessel ‘Guo Xing 1’ sank off Japan’s northern coast on March 1. As local media reported, the cargo ship collided with the Japanese shipping vessel ‘Eight Tomaru’ about 12 kilometres east of the mooring fishing port of Rososura, Aomori Prefecture, Japan.

Following the collision,...


The mariner’s role in collecting evidence

In the latest issue of UK Club’s Lookout publication, Capt. Hiroshi Sekine, Senior Loss Prevention Executive, highlights the importance for mariners of gathering evidence from the ship, in the aftermath of an incident at sea.

The Mariner’s role in the aftermath of an incident at sea is of vital importance. The information detailed and preserved immediately after an incident often provides the key factual evidence relied upon at a later date. The success of any claim will depend highly on the...


Port of Colonia handles vessel from nearly sinking

On 26 February, the fast ship “Atlantic Express” almost sank off Port of Colonia, across Rio de La Plat. In fact, it said that the vessel had been damaged during docking at the port, while it was carrying around 260 passengers onboard.

The passengers were safely disembarked from the vessel, but the reasons of the nearly sinking still remain unknown.

As the vessel’s Captain Marcelo Adamoli reported, the incident of the ship’s crash had already been overcome and the port continues its normal...


Ro-ro vessel hit by fire off Port of Santa Cruz

On 22 February, the ro-ro cargo vessel called “Volcán de Teneguía” reported a fire incident onboard, after leaving Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands. In fact, the freight ship was loaded with vehicles and other cargo so as to deliver them to its final destination, Port of Cadiz, Spain.

When the fire occurred, the ro-ro vessel had no choice but to return back to Port of Santa Cruz, which had barely left an hour before the fire incident present.

The fire was detected at the north coast...


Lessons Learned: Always double-check the passage plan

The Swedish Club’s Navigational Claims issue highlights the importance of double-checking the vessel’s passage plan to ensure that the vessel’s navigational path is correct according to all data entered into the navigational equipment.

During night time and with low visibility because of rain, a 700 TEU container vessel was sailing near the coast towards its next port of call. The Master had approved the passage plan and the Second Officer was on the bridge. Therefore, the OOW (Second Officer)...
