Marines Look to Two New Ship Classes to Define Future of Amphibious Operations

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The Navy and Marine Corps are looking to quickly overhaul their Cold War-era way of moving Marines around, with the services already agreeing on the basic requirements for a new Light Amphibious Warship (LAW) and in the early phases of looking at a separate small amphibious ship class.

LAW would be among the biggest change to the amphibious force in decades. Marines typically deploy as a 2,200-strong Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard a three-ship Amphibious Ready...

Marines Testing Regiment at Heart of Emerging Island-Hopping Future

Marines with Alpha Company, 1st Radio Battalion, I Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group (MIG), hike during a field exercise (FEX) at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif. on May 28, 2020. US Marine Photo

The Marine Corps is starting to form and experiment with the littoral regiment at the heart of its modern-day island-hopping strategy, the head of Marine Corps combat development told USNI News.

The stand-up of this first Marine Littoral Regiment is among the first and most visible...

Marine Corps Announces New Aviation, Pacific Leadership Assignments

Top row (left to right): Lt. Gen. Lewis Craparotta, Lt. Gen. Steven Rudder, Maj. Gen. Mark Wise; Bottom row (left to right): Maj. Gen. Karsten Heckl, Maj. Gen. Dennis Crall, Maj. Gen. David Ottignon 

The Marine Corps announced a shuffle of its two- and three-star generals, with nominations of new leadership for Marines in the Pacific, the aviation community, training and education and more.

Lt. Gen. Lewis Craparotta was nominated to serve as the next commanding general of the Training and...

Marine Planners Using Commandant’s Guidance to Start Crafting Future of the Corps

U.S. Marines with Task Force Koa Moana (TF KM) conducts a night live fire exercise during the TF KM Mission Rehearsal Exercise at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif. on July 19, 2018. US Marine Corps Photo

MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. – Two months after new Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger released his commandant’s planning guidance, the Marines charged with plotting how the service will operate in the future showed a glimpse into how the new guidance is shaping their...

ANTX Tech Demonstrations Helping Refine Future Distributed Naval Operations

Advanced Naval Technologies Exercise (ANTX) WEST 2019 military and civilian participants assessed a number of emerging technologies with a specific focus on Command and Control (C2), Communications (COMMS), Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Fires (FIRES), Unmanned Systems (UxS), Counter Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Targeting (C-ISRT). US Marine Corps photo.

THE PENTAGON – The Navy and Marine Corps are using their tech experimentation series to better understand how to execute new...

Milley, Hyten to Lead Joint Chiefs of Staff; Marine Lt. Gen. Smith to Command MCCDC

Current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford speaks with Army Gen. Mark Milley, who was nominated to serve as the next chairman, during the 2018 Army Navy Game in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dec. 8, 2018. US Army photo.

The Pentagon announced its nominations for the next chairman and vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as the generals who will lead the Marine Corps Combat Development Command and the Joint Strike Fighter Program.

Acting Secretary...

New Prototype Demonstration Series Will Continue Navy, Marine Push for Rapid Capability Boosts

Lance Corporal Drew Rothwell, a rifleman with Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, looks at a tablet that has been enhanced with Beartooth radio, test new communication capabilities with a digital radio that pairs with mobile devices to send encrypted short bursts of data via long ranges without reliance on infrastructure, during the Urban Advanced Technologies Exercise 2018 (ANTX18), March 22, 2018. Urban ANTX18 is an innovative approach to concept of...