New report examines sea-based sources of marine litter

New report examines sea-based sources of marine litter

The sources and impact of sea-based marine litter form the focus of a new report by the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), an advisory body to the United Nations sponsored by ten UN entities including IMO*. The report, which can be downloaded here, outlines the various sources of  marine litter and the impact and assesses the current availability of data and identifies knowledge gaps for...

Collection Of Marine Litter With Autonomous Robots

Collecting litter from the seafloor is a highly complex, yet ever more necessary matter. The SeaClear project aims to develop an autonomous robotic system for searching, identifying, classifying and collecting waste in the water column and on the seafloor in coastal areas. 

Cosmin Delea, Research Associate “Maritime Technologies and Biomimetics” at the Hamburg-based Fraunhofer Centre for Maritime Logistics and Services (CML), underlines the idea of using autonomous robots in the form of unmanned...

Ban on Bottom Trawling Could Yield Net Benefits, Study Finds

A socioeconomic analysis commissioned by Seas At Risk and carried out by New Economics Foundation has revealed that a ban on bottom-contacting gear (bottom trawling and bottom dredging) in Marine Protected Areas would yield net benefits as soon as four years after the ban comes into force.

The study highlights that after 13 years of such a ban, there would be €3.41 returned for every €1 spent, with a cumulative net gain equivalent to €8.4 billion over a 20-year period.

Healthy sea and resilient...

[Watch] Innovative Trash Skimmer That ‘Gulps’ Marine Litter

  • The Seabin moves up and down with the range of tide collecting all floating trash.
  • The Seabin also has the potential to collect a percentage of oils and pollutants floating on the water surface.
  • Seabin is ideal for skimming surface oils and pollutants.

Seabin is a floating rubbish bin located in the water that sucks in trash and filters the ocean, becoming a revolutionary device that will be the solution to ocean pollution, reports Jackson Journal.

Floating waste in oceans

Each year, over 8...

IMO and UN Join Hands To Minimize Marine Plastic Litter in Oceans

  • United Nations and IMO have joined hands to tackle marine plastic litter issues.
  • They have formally signed an agreement to implement the GloLitter Partnerships Project.
  • It will help to prevent and reduce marine plastic litter from shipping and fisheries.
  • The project was launched in December 2019, with funding from Norway.
  • It will assist developing countries to identify opportunities to prevent and reduce marine litter.

Partnerships are essential in tackling the global issue of marine plastic...

UN agencies team-up to tackle marine plastic litter

Pictured: a plastic water bottle found floating in the ocean; Photo: Brian Yurasits and Unsplash

United Nations bodies, the International Maritime Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization, have made progress on the Global Litter (GloLitter) Partnerships Project.

The agreement between the two bodies explains how the agencies will joint execute the project and sets out the next steps “toward the many strategic partnerships” that are anticipated.

GloLitter was launched in December last...

Bognor Regis to be the latest town to receive a BinForGreenSeas

Bognor Regis to get a BinForGreenSeas to help change the mindset of beach litterers.

The West Sussex resort town of Bognor Regis is to receive an eye-catching BinForGreenSeas to highlight the consequences of litter on marine life.

Created by the GreenSeas Trust, the 1.5 metre high bin is a bold and unmissable reminder to beach visitors of the terrible damage rubbish is doing to our oceans.

The fibreglass structure of the BinForGreenSeas is made using 450 recycled PET bottles. Graphics and text on...

Cleaning Up Marine Litter To Raise Awareness

Cleaning up marine litter

An inaugural female-led beach clean-up exercise in east and southern Africa has helped raise awareness of the problem that marine litter poses to the environment.

Image Credit:

In Kenya alone, the beach-clean up collected 337 kg of rubbish, generated from land-based activities. The day was led by members from the IMO-supported Association for Women in the Maritime Sector in Eastern and Southern Africa region (WOMESA), together with industry and local communities. Organized in celebration...