New Amendments For The Sea Pollution Fines

Credits: Fredrick Filix/Unsplash

Pollition fines for Turkish waters have been amended regarding to Environmental Code with a new law numbered 7410 published in the Official Gazette on 15 June 2022, says an article published on Mondaq

Categories of Marine Pollution
  1. Sewage water
  2. water mixed with detergent
  3. foam
  4. exhaust gas
  5. washwater
  6. similar washing waters and solid wastes.


  1. Most important amendment is twofold fine will be implemented if the marine pollution occured by the vessel in the Special...

Key To Climate Stabilization: Eelgrass The Endangered Marine Plant

Credits: Benjamin L. Jones/ Unsplash
  • Efforts under way to restore seagrass meadows capable of capturing more carbon than rainforests.
  • Like so many natural wonders, eelgrass has been damaged by pollution, disease and other man made disturbances, such as speedboats.
  • Their rhizome root system spreads under the sand, as a second reproduction method, and in doing so stabilizes the seabed.

A Rhizome with long green leaves attached left stranded on a beach after a winter storm shows that just offshore...

Ban On Disposal At Sea Of Sewage Sludge Proposed

China Walls Honolulu at Dusk, USA, Cliff into the ocean

A global ban on the dumping of sewage sludge at sea is a step closer, following the submission to IMO of a proposal to amend the 1996 London Protocol on the prevention of marine pollution by the dumping of wastes. Sewage sludge is a waste that currently may be considered for dumping at sea under both the London 1996 Protocol and its precursor 1972 Convention. In the past, a substantial number of States permitted the dumping of this waste at sea.

Under the London Protocol all dumping is...

IMO: New Report Examines Sea-Based Sources Of Marine Litter

The sources and impact of sea-based marine litter form the focus of a new report by the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP), an advisory body to the United Nations-sponsored by ten UN entities including IMO*. The report, which can be downloaded here, outlines the various sources of marine litter and the impact and assesses the current availability of data and identifies knowledge gaps for the main categories of sea-based sources of marine...

Creator-Lead Movement Raises $1 Million In 1 Hour; Aims To Remove 30 Million Pounds Of Trash From Rivers, Oceans, And Beaches

Creator-Lead Movement Raises $1 Million In 1 Hour

#TeamSeas campaign was launched with the goal to raise 30M dollars to remove 30M pounds of trash. The Ocean Cleanup and Ocean Conservancy were chosen as the non-profit partners for cleaning up trash in rivers, oceans, and beaches.

The Last Successful Campaign – TeamTrees

The campaign is initiated by MrBeast and Mark Rober, two content creators on YouTube. It is a follow-up to their widely successful TeamTrees campaign, launched in 2019 that raised over 20M dollars to plant 20M trees. Out of the...

IMO Supports Djibouti To Prevent Pollution From Ships

Supporting Djibouti to prevent pollution from ships_banners

Djibouti is the latest country to benefit from a national training workshop* (held 2-5 August, 2021) on implementation and enforcement of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). The workshop particularly emphasized the importance of MARPOL Annexe V, which focuses on prevention of pollution by garbage from ships and prohibits disposal of plastics and restricts disposal of other ship-generated solid wastes at sea.

The workshop, held in Djibouti City and...

1.6 Billion Disposable Masks Polluted Oceans in 2020

mask pollution

About 1.6 billion disposable masks wound up in the ocean last year. This has resulted in a massive pile of floating plastic waste that threatens marine life.

Visual Capitalist researchers have found that about 3% of the 52 billion single-use masks that had been manufactured to prevent Covid-19 infection eventually found their way into the seas.

The disposable masks were the reason behind about 5500 metric tonnes of plastic wastes in oceans. It will take more than 450 years to biodegrade this, the...

Is Marine Ecosystem In The Risk Of Fading Fast?

  • There’s an epidemic of whales washing up on the West Coast.
  • Scientists are piecing together exactly why to try to find a solution.

According to an article published in Fast Company, Scientists are piecing together the epidemic of whales washing up on the West Coast to try to find a solution.

Washed out Whales

On June 21, a 45-foot-long dead gray whale, longer than a city bus, washed ashore on Ocean Beach on the western border of San Francisco. A day earlier, a fin whale washed up on another...