Lawmakers to Biden: Prioritize U.S. maritime

A bipartisan group of lawmakers, led by Senator Mark Kelly (D.-Ariz) and Rep. Mike Walz (R. Fla), have written President Biden urging him to prioritize U.S. maritime and strengthen U.S. maritime power at a moment when China is extending its influence in the South China Sea and the Houthis are attacking shipping in the Red Sea.

Significantly, the letter is not just another call for more Navy ships.

Kelly, a U.S. Merchant Marine Academy graduate and 25-year Navy veteran, and Walz, a combat-decorated...

FreightWaves Classics: America’s commercial shipbuilding industry is nearly gone

container ships

The history of the American shipbuilding industry goes back to before the Revolutionary War. The United States is blessed with three extensive coastlines, as well as numerous ports and harbors that have been the sites of shipbuilding companies for more than 250 years. 

Although it is no longer true, at one time in the not too distant past the U.S. commercial shipbuilding industry led the world in quality and output. 

This article will focus on the U.S. merchant shipbuilding industry in the 20th...

Opinion: ANL calls for consideration of larger vessels in Australia & New Zealand

Pictured: a large containership underway; Photo – Maritime Filming UK from Pixabay

Ships have been getting bigger and bigger over recent years. Vessels that were once seen as innovative in terms of their size and capability are already on the list of “the former greats” as newer and larger ships are developed, taking the industry’s trunk routes to new heights in scale and sustainability.

For many in the industry, this development in terms of increased size and capability is not only a reality,...

Coalition seeks one-year extension of FAST Act

A coalition of 88 business and government groups is pressing Congress to extend the current surface transportation law for one year before it expires in three weeks.

The $305 billion Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act – known as the FAST Act – was signed by President Obama in 2015 and is set to expire at the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30. In addition to creating grant programs for states and establishing performance levels for the highway, rail and maritime sectors, the law...

DOT rolls out National Freight Strategic Plan

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) on Thursday unveiled for the first time a national freight transportation strategy that aims to guide national freight policy and investment and provide a framework for better multimodal coordination.

The National Freight Strategic Plan, required under the 2015 Fast Act (which expires at the end of September), received 82 comments from state agencies, associations and private companies following a “request for information” issued late last year.
