Prime Vendor Program Logistics Explained

Prime Vendor

Who is a prime vendor? It is a single large supplier [vendor] who procures goods and services from different sources for redistribution to a customer within a geographical area. Prime vendors usually purchase and store items required by the customer from a cluster of pre-approved suppliers, referred to as ‘preferred suppliers’.

A customer places purchase orders with the prime vendor as and when required, subject to contract clauses. The prime vendor is responsible for fulfilling all the orders...

Security Management of Commercial Ports


Defence ports are among the most secure locations in any country. Rightfully so, they are home to a nation’s naval vessels, defence armaments, offices, and personnel. They are guarded around the clock by well-trained forces using sophisticated surveillance equipment and weapons.

What about commercial ports? Do they require security? With billions of dollars worth of goods flowing through such ports annually, the answer is yes. Commercial ports are the gateway to a nation and its supply chain....

What is IMSBC Code?

IMSBC Code or the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code

Transportation of solid bulk cargo on bulk carriers involves many risks that need to be managed to ensure the safety of the vessel and the crew on high seas. Some of these risks include reduced ship stability, capsizing due to cargo liquefaction, explosions or fire due to chemical hazards, or damage to the structure of the ship as a result of improper loading operations.

The legislation regarding the safe carriage of solid bulk...

What Are MARPOL Special Areas?


The 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), amended in 1978, outlines the steps mandatory to prevent marine pollution from vessels which is vital for marine environmental protection. At the centre of its framework are the ‘MARPOL Special Areas’, certain areas of the ocean, designated as specifically vulnerable to pollution and needing increased protection due to several reasons which will be discussed in this article.

Image for representation purposes...

What is Maritime Resource Management?

Maritime Resource Management

What is Maritime Resource Management?

Maritime Resource Management (MRM) is a training program built on the most advanced research in human factors and resource management.

It helps prevent accidents at sea caused due to human and organisational mistakes. It began in 1993 as Bridge Resource Management.

It can be defined as using and coordinating skills, knowledge, resources, and experience available to a team to achieve efficiency and safety goals on a sea voyage.

The program seeks to encourage a...

What are Green Or Sustainable Supply Chains?

green shippingWhat are Green Supply Chains

Green Supply Chains, also referred to as Sustainable Supply Chains, have been in the limelight in recent years, with most large organisations having launched ambitious initiatives to make their supply chains green.

Traditional supply chains, which include the international transportation leg, as well as inland transportation, storage, packaging, etc, are essential to international trade and have grown in importance, scale, and complexity as globalization has gained...

Simplifying the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI)

The maritime industry is in the midst of a transformative shift, focusing on boosting energy efficiency and cutting down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Central to this evolution are key initiatives (EEXI, CII) by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

While the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) focuses on setting technical standards to ensure ships meet specific energy efficiency requirements, the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) Rating assesses the operational performance of...

What is Ship Crewing Services and Crew Management?

Crew Management

Crewing ships with well-qualified, trained, and experienced seafarers is the cornerstone of smooth and efficient shipping operations, and crew management companies exist for this reason.

These companies, or crewing managers, are contacted by shipowners, ship operators, or charterers to manage the crew on their ships under a crew management contract. These activities are majorly concentrated in a few locations, such as Cyprus, Malta, Hong Kong, India, the Philippines and Singapore.

Crew management...

What is Maritime Lien?

maritime lein

If you were to open any legal document related to the maritime industry, one term that would catch your attention is “lien”.

The dictionary definition of lien states, ‘The right to take another’s property if an obligation is not discharged.’

In simple terms, Lien means that if a person owes something to another person, the latter can take custody of the former’s property until the debt due to him is cleared. Even in maritime law, there exists a concept of a maritime lien.

This article will look...