Maritime shipping still on troubled waters

Chart of the Week: Freightos Baltic Daily Index – China to North America West and East Coast  SONAR: FBXD.CNAW, FBXD.CNAE

Spot rates for shipping forty-foot equivalent containers over the ocean from China to North America hit their highest levels since the summer of 2022 and are still climbing. Supply chain disruption has returned to the maritime industry, but how does it compare to the pandemic era and is it sustainable?

Reliable sourcing drives efficiency in any company’s supply chain. If goods...

SONAR Sightings: Dallas loses market share; rates from China to US take another drop

The highlights from Wednesday’s SONAR reports are below. For more information on SONAR — the fastest freight-forecasting platform in the industry — or to request a demo, click here. Also, be sure to check out the latest SONAR update, TRAC — the freshest spot rate data in the industry.

Market Watch for Oct. 19:Dallas

Dallas lost more outbound tender market share this week as outbound demand continues to decline.

Market share for Dallas dropped from 3.1% Oct. 12 to 2.85% on Wednesday. This drop...

GSCW: Rough waters ahead — Freightonomics

Ocean shippers are still battling port congestion, container shortages and high rates without relief in sight. On this episode of Freightonomics during FreightWaves’ Global Supply Chain Week,Zach StricklandandAnthony Smithtalk to Colorado State Assistant Professor Zac Rogers about the woes plaguing maritime shipping. 

Rogers cited the latest edition of the Logistics Managers Index in his analysis of the current state of the maritime market. He said all three price metrics in the supply chain are...

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