New research reveals hidden value of UK Ports

  • Ports bring £9.7 billion of direct value to the UK economy
  • 115,000 direct jobs within the ports sector in 2018, with 431,000 in the wider supply chain and 277,000 through wider spending – a total of 822,000
  • Each job is 55% more productive than the UK average

New figures published by the ports industry reveal the hidden scale of the industry across the UK. As well as being key trading gateways – handling 95% of UK trade – ports are the foundation of the entire marine economy and are...

A letter from Maritime UK to New Prime Minister

Maritime UK has today written to the new UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

The letter, from Maritime UK Chair, Harry Theochari, stresses the importance of the sector to national prosperity, and identifies key priorities for the UK’s maritime industries. These include protecting freedom of navigation, coastal economic development, decarbonisation, enhancing the UK’s maritime competitiveness and developing our workforce. The letter also sets out immediate steps the sector wishes to see on Brexit.

London International Shipping Week | What’s New

London International Shipping Week | What’s New

 The Northern Lighthouse Board’s 84m multi-function Tender PHAROS is set to play a significant role at London International Shipping Week this September. PHAROS will be berthed alongside HMS BELFAST in the Thames to provide a venue for seminars, meetings and receptions, including the hosting of a major careers event for Maritime UK.

PHAROS’ usual home is Oban, Scotland and she works mainly in Scottish and Isle of Man waters. In addition to her...

Maritime UK welcomes Maritime 2050

Maritime 2050 is the first long term strategy for the UK’s maritime sector

  • Strategy sets roadmaps for industry and government to work together to drive growth
  • The strategy highlights the government’s recognition of the importance of the maritime sector – worth more to the economy than aerospace or car manufacturing
  • Maritime 2050 is described as both visionary and aspirational, focusing in on the UK’s desire to cement its place as the world’s leading maritime nation into the second half of the...

Reino Unido quiere convertirse en el banco de pruebas de la tecnología marítima

El departamento de Transporte de Reino Unido presentó el jueves su Estrategia Marítima 2050, un documento que presenta la ambición del país para “seguir siendo un líder mundial en la industria marítima durante los próximos 30 años”. Para lograrlo, la estrategia propone convertir a Reino Unido en el banco de pruebas de las tecnologías marítimas emergentes, con el objetivo de poder aprovechar el potencial económico de estas innovaciones.

Este nuevo plan traza una serie de propuestas diseñadas a...

Whitehall unveils its vision for UK as the ‘world’s leading maritime nation’

The UK government has outlined plans to develop the country as a “global test bed of emerging technology, enabling it to capitalise on the economic potential of maritime innovations”.
A 338-page document, Maritime 2050 – Navigating the Future, was published yesterday afternoon which includes proposals to establish “an innovation hub at a UK port by 2030, look at ways to clean up emissions from the industry and build on the world-class …

The post Whitehall unveils its vision for UK as the...

David Dingle CBE announces Harry Theochari and Sarah Kenny as Maritime UK successors

  • Maritime UK is pleased to confirm the appointment of Harry Theochari as its Chair and Sarah Kenny as Vice Chair. 
  • Theochari is global head of transport at law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, and Kenny is CEO at BMT Global.

Maritime UK is the sector’s umbrella body, bringing together the shipping, ports, services, engineering and leisure marine industries to drive growth by promoting the sector, influencing government and fostering collaboration. The sector supports just under 1 million jobs and...