Carrier Details launches to aggregate federal data

Mark Draeb and Kathy Sardelli first joined forces in 2000 to found SaferWatch, a digital platform to evaluate carrier risk using data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. SaferWatch, with parent company Grizella, was sold to what is now in 2018.  

Draeb and Sardelli are back in the game, announcing Wednesday they have launched transportation data company Carrier Details LLC.

Related: acquires carrier compliance firm RMIS

Now Draeb and Sardelli look to...

LoadBoard Network builds on PostEverywhere capabilities

Solutions provider LoadBoard Network LLC announced Monday the launch of its foundational product, the LoadBoard Network shipment posting aggregation software, which automates load-posting operations for shippers and brokers that utilize various applications to find their transportation capacity.

The Hebron, North Dakota-based company was founded in 2022 by its president, Mark Draeb, the former co-founder of PostEverywhere, a load-posting service acquired by in 2018.