August volumes fall 28% from year-ago highs at Port of Savannah

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Port of Savannah volumes slumped year over year (y/y) in August amid gains for rail volumes at the...

Rail Roundup: OmniTRAX, G&W develop, expand partnerships

OmniTRAX, partners seek to develop site in southern Indiana

Short line operator OmniTRAX is working with the River Ridge Development Authority of southern Indiana to develop the River Ridge Commerce Center.

The center, located near Louisville, Kentucky, where it has access to several transportation modes. It connects directly with CSX (NASDAQ: CSX) and is in close proximity to I-64, I-65, I-71, the Louisville International Airport, the Ohio River and the Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville....

Savannah volume down just 1% and total tonnage a record

A small dip can be a big win during a pandemic, when global supply chain disruptions have taken huge bites out of volumes at U.S. ports.

So the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) announcement Monday that fiscal-year volume at the Port of Savannah was down by less than 1% compared to the previous year wasn’t bad news. 

The Port of Savannah handled 4.44 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in fiscal year 2020, which ended June 30.

And the GPA found good news where it could. It said that despite...