McKinsey: Geopolitical Partners intercambian más entre sí, menos con rivales

Un nuevo informe del Instituto Global McKinsey revela que las tensiones geopolíticas están reestructurando los patrones comerciales globales, con Estados Unidos y China en el centro de la realineación. El análisis, que examina los datos comerciales hasta 2024, muestra que las economías se operan...

McKinsey: Geopolitical partners trading more with one another, less with rivals

A new report from the McKinsey Global Institute reveals that geopolitical tensions are reshaping global trade patterns, with the United States and China at the center of the realignment. The analysis, which examines trade data through 2024, shows that economies are increasingly trading more with geopolitically aligned partners and less with rivals.

The report cites ongoing U.S.-China trade tensions and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as key drivers of the trend. “The most significant ongoing shift...

Hyzon focuses on US fuel cell market for survival

In its brief four-year history, Hyzon Motors has experienced far more stormy than sunny days. As it struggles to survive, the commercial fuel cell manufacturer is focusing on the U.S., where it sees hydrogen and zero-emission refuse trucks worth pursuing.

Chasing the SPAC money

A spinoff of Singapore-based Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies, Hyzon went public in July 2021 in a reverse merger with special purpose acquisition company Decarbonization Plus Acquisition Corp. It received $550 million in...

Archlynk acquires WCS Consulting to raise bar on supply chain solutions

Supply chain solutions consulting firm ArchLynk announced Tuesday it has acquired a fellow player in its field, Boise, Idaho-based WCS Consulting, to keep pace with the growing demand for cloud-based integrated business planning (IBP) solutions.

According to a McKinsey study of 54 senior executives, 25% felt their current processes helped facilitate decision-making effectively but that turning to IBP solutions to become up to 20% more productive.

“The pandemic exposed the lack of true IBP across...

If globalization is really over, what happens to supply chains?

supply chain

Tariffs, COVID, port pileups, the Ever Given, the Russia-Ukraine war, mounting U.S.-China tensions — it seems like threats to world trade are the rule, not the exception. What does this mean to the future of global supply chains?

The positive view: Importers see the risks ahead and will act. They will preemptively revamp supply chains and become nimbler and more resilient. Economic benefits of globalization are too great to give up. Countries and companies will work around hurdles.

“No one can...

Do gig workers want to be employees? It depends who you ask

In the last few weeks, there have been surveys that suggest that rideshare drivers and other independent contractors would rather have full-time employment – except for those who don’t.

The employment status of these workers has been much debated and will continue to serve as the centerpiece of future legislation at the state level and in Washington. How a society and its political leaders can reach a conclusion that satisfies these workers and the companies that pay them may be one of the most...

On the wires: Recessionary bites – where is that M&A?

Here’s a quick and dirty recap of where we are going, if anywhere, with logistics M&A and what the lessons are from previous cycles – fasten your seatbelt as financial engineering rather than coveted operational soundness takes over.
Let’s take it from a rather interesting post – titled: “Lessons from growth outperformers in logistics” – was this month pushed out by McKinsey & Company, essentially asking which transport and logistics operators are …

The post On the wires: Recessionary bites...

‘Risk to supply chains from climate disruption a bigger issue than Covid-19’

Supply chains are undergoing a profound transformation, according to DHL and consultant McKinsey.
DHL has published a study entitled Post-coronavirus Supply Chain Recovery, which predicts more diversification of geographies, suppliers and business models as well as a more holistic view of risk management.
“Post-coronavirus supply chains will not be the same as they were pre-coronavirus,” it says, and one prominent trend in this transformative process is a stronger emphasis on supply chain...

Continued lack of airfreight capacity has created a ‘battlefield’ for forwarders

Shippers should expect to pay “bullish” carriers higher freight rates next contract season.
According to Ludwig Hausmann, partner at McKinsey & Company, upcoming freight contracts will be characterised by “very high” rates.
“Carriers in air, ocean and rail are being very bullish in the short term, but very insecure about the middle and end of next year,” he said during a webinar by Xeneta.
“Shippers that commit to certain volumes and block space …

The post Continued lack of airfreight capacity...

$28bn invested in freight start-ups since 2015 – most in last-mile and B2C

Venture capital funding into the logistics industry has amounted to nearly $28bn since 2015, research from McKinsey shows.
And although US digital freight forwarder Flexport has taken many of the headlines during this period, it is actually the last-mile and B2C logistics sectors that have received the overwhelming proportion of that finance.
Ocean and air freight platforms – in which McKinsey classes Flexport – follow far behind.
And, somewhat surprisingly, given the focus …

The post $28bn...