Shippers struggle as container carriers’ earnings skyrocket

Importers and exporters are facing a rapidly disintegrating container shipping market as deployed capacity fails to keep pace with returning consumer and business demand and shipping rates escalate beyond reach for many small to medium enterprises (SMEs), according to the latest Container Shipping Market Review compiled by MDS Transmodal and the Global Shippers Forum (GSF).

The findings review show a slight increase in the numbers of ships deployed, which allowed higher numbers of containers to...

FMC probe finds evidence of common carrier rule infringements

The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) investigation into the carrier’s alleged refusal to carry US export cargo has found some evidence that lines are not meeting their regulatory obligations, according to commissioner Carl Bentzel.

Allegations from US exporters, particularly from the agricultural industry, that the lines have refused to carry cargo, preferring instead to rush containers back to Asia for the more lucrative eastbound Pacific trade, in contravention of the common carrier...

Shippers blame carriers for entirely predictable US container graveyard

Shippers are not buying into the box shortage paradigm, that the dearth of containers in Asia is caused by the pandemic, presented by shipping lines and others, with one shipper telling Container News, “Containers don’t have a life of their own, the lines manage their box fleets as well as their ships.”

Shippers believe that the cause of the container shortage and the spike in charges is the lines themselves, “Shippers are being charged astronomic rates for the lines’ own incompetence,” said one...

New container trade review highlights rising costs and declining service

Container shipping lines are making better margins than ever, according to new research, which suggests that while customers face escalating freight rates, carrier operating costs have been declining.
The Container Shipping Market Quarterly Review, published by UK consultant MDS Transmodal in conjunction with the Global Shippers Forum (GSF), is a new container market monitor which assesses the state of the market by eight indicators: trade volumes; shipping capacity; capacity utilisation;...

Shippers prepare for bruising Asia/Europe contract season

European shippers are preparing for the upcoming contract season with a warning to shipping lines that should they seek to maintain the massive hikes in rates seen over this extraordinary year they will take further action.

Reports of Asia to Europe rates as high as US$10,000/FEU are said to include the various surcharges applicable to freight currently moving on the trades, but James Hookham, Secretary General of the Global Shippers’ Forum (GSF), told Container News, that the European Union...

BAF calculator may help ease uncertainty over looming IMO 2020 fuel rule

With the deadline looming for the new IMO regulations reducing vessel sulphur dioxide emissions, new research suggests that fuel costs for shippers on the Asia-Europe trades could rise as much as 50%.
The International Maritime Organization’s sulphur regulations will come into force on 1 January and see the sulphur content of ship fuel reduced to 0.5%.
It will force ship operators to choose between using more refined marine gas oil (MGO) instead …

The post BAF calculator may help ease...