Marine Corps Information Community Growing in Capability, Trying to Find Its Place in Joint Operations

U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Corey Dasilva, a fire support Marine with 2nd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, conducts a pre-flight check for the RQ-20B PUMA Unmanned Aircraft System during a battalion exercise on Camp Lejeune, N.C., Dec. 12, 2019. US Marine Corps photo.

THE PENTAGON – Two and a half years after creating the first Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) Information Group (MIG), the Marine Corps is now assessing what capabilities it has for...

Marines’ 2020 Budget Will Prioritize Near-Term Readiness, Upgrades for High-End Fight

Lance Cpl. Nicholas Zachary (left) and Lance Cpl. Luis Saldana both assigned to Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 214, conduct routine maintenance on an AV-8B Harrier on the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA-6) on May 8, 2017. US Navy Photo

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Marine Corps wants to spend nearly a third of its Fiscal Year 2020 money on modernizing its equipment and nearly another third on rebuilding readiness, a top officer said.

Lt. Gen. Brian Beaudreault, deputy commandant...