Global Energy y Towngas se unen para el suministro de combustible de metanol

ciudadgas Global Energy Trading de Singapur, parte de Global Energy Group, y The Hong Kong and China Gas Company (Towngas) firmaron un memorando de entendimiento (MOU) para desarrollar soluciones ecológicas de suministro de metanol para la industria naviera en toda Asia. Towngas tiene una planta de...

DNV: LNG dominated 2024 orders for alternative-fueled vessels

Confirming a trend recently noted by Clarksons, the latest data from DNV’s Alternative Fuels Insights (AFI) platform shows that 2024 drove a significant rise in orders for alternative-fueled vessels. Even without counting in LNG carriers, 515 alternative-fueled ships were ordered, a 38% year-on-year increase on 2023.

The trend has been heavily driven by the container and car carrier newbuild boom over the last three years. In 2024, 69% of all containership orders were for ships capable of being...

Cat to deploy methanol dual-fuel 3500E marine engines in 2026

Caterpillar Marine reports that it has made significant advances in the development of its methanol dual-fuel Cat 3500E marine engines. Under a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Damen Shipyards, it will deploy the first set of field demonstrator 3500E marine engines in 2026.

The Cat 3500E marine engines will use innovative dual-fuel technology based on proven diesel fuel systems that will supports vessels’ low-pressure – below 10 bar – fuel systems.

The methanol dual-fuel Cat 3500E engine...