Michelin Is Testing The Wisamo Sail Wing Onboard A Commercial Ship

In the near future, we might see all kinds of vessels like pleasure craft, sporting a sail wing that will help them burn less fuel and cruise more efficiently. This is no traditional sail wing but an innovative concept developed by Michelin through the Wisamo project.

In 2021, Michelin introduced the Wisamo project for green maritime transportation . The basic concept seems deceptively simple – a modern sail wing that works automatically and is both inflatable and retractable.

The outcome is more...


ZEMBA: Exportadores lanzan esquema de licitación de transporte de cero emisiones

Amazon, Tchibo, Patagonia, Ikea, Unilever, Michelin y otros trece exportadores más lanzan esquema de licitación de transporte de cero emisiones (ZEMBA).

Esta entrada ZEMBA: Exportadores lanzan esquema de licitación de transporte de cero emisiones Aparece primero en FullAvanteNews.


Freightliner SuperTruck II looks for technology life after research

LAS VEGAS — For the $20 million it spent on the Freightliner Cascadia SuperTruck II program, Daimler Truck North America expects some of the advanced technology to find its way into production.

That’s what happened after SuperTruck I, an $80 million split between DTNA and the Department of Energy that ran between 2010 and 2015. The DOE matched DTNA’s $20 million for SuperTruck II.

The investment from the first SuperTruck program paid off. Current generation Freightliner Cascadias have a...


Middle mile meets final mile as Warp joins Urban Freight Lab

Warp joins Urban Freight Lab

Middle-mile technology company Warp is joining the University of Washington’s Urban Freight Lab (UFL), the company announced Wednesday.

Warp is the first company focused on the middle mile joining UFL, which is a public-private partnership housed at the UW’s Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center. Warp co-founder and CEO Daniel Sokolovsky is familiar with the work of UFL, having served as CEO of AxleHire during a Seattle last-mile delivery pilot conducted by UFL in 2021.

“UFL is doing...


Amazon, Ikea commit to zero-carbon shipping fuels by 2040

Amazon, Ikea and others committed to zero-carbon shipping fuels by 2040.

Amazon, Ikea and other retailers are committing to purchasing ocean freight services powered only by zero-carbon fuels by 2040, in line with the Paris Agreement. 

In the joint statement on Tuesday, the companies, under the name Cargo Owners for Zero Emissions Vessels (COZEV), set a range of goals. They include tracking maritime emissions, establishing interim targets to the 2040 goal, and collaborating on, growing and supporting further efforts to reduce emissions in shipping. This commitment...


FreightWaves Classics: No matter the size of vehicle, it needs tires

Missing a tire? (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

What is a tire? “A tire is a ring-shaped component that surrounds a wheel’s rim to transfer a vehicle’s load from the axle through the wheel to the ground and to provide traction on the surface that the vehicle is on,” according to Wikipedia.

(Photo: Live Science)

First the wheel

To understand the history of tires, the evolution of the wheel must be reviewed. One of man’s greatest inventions, the wheel dates back to the Neolithic era – 3500 BC – or prior to the Bronze Age. The first wheels were...
