Gracias a este acuerdo, las empresas experimentarán conjuntamente con nuevas tecnologías de vanguardia, como Azure OpenAI Service, para desarrollar casos de uso innovadores de IA generativa en diversas funciones empresariales.
Microsoft Corp.
Race Against ChatGPT Heats Up
Ernie Bot, Bard, Others Square Off Against ChatGPT as AI Race Heats Up, writes Daria Solovieva for Yahoo Finance.
2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year for tech giantsFor anyone disappointed by tech’s performance last year, 2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year for tech giants, both established players and new upstarts, looking to leverage the buzz around AI.
With the pace of global AI search competition accelerating rapidly, for ETF investors, it’s worth revisiting the...
Maersk joins zero-emissions global initiative
AP Møller Maersk is participating in a new initiative by nine companies that aims to accelerate the transition to a net zero global economy.
The initiative, known as Transform to Net Zero was launched on 21 July, intends to develop and deliver research, guidance, and implementable roadmaps to enable all businesses to achieve net zero emissions, according to a statement.
The initiative will be led by founding members including AP Møller – Maersk, Danone, Mercedes-Benz AG, Microsoft, Natura & Co,...