Port of New Orleans snags $230M for infrastructure projects

The Port of New Orleans got a boost from the Louisiana State Legislature, which committed $230.5 million to the Louisiana International Terminal (LIT) and other infrastructure projects.

The $1.8 billion LIT aims to position New Orleans as one of the top international container gateways in the Gulf of Mexico, officials said.

“The legislature’s backing of infrastructure funding to support the LIT builds upon commitments of more than $1.1 billion from the federal government and private sector,”...


Mississippi River dredging to proceed under US$32 million contract

Dredging activities on the Mississippi River

The US Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) St Paul District has awarded a US$31.7 million contract to LS Marine of Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, to conduct mechanical dredging operations in support of channel maintenance within the Mississippi River. This work will facilitate long-term channel...


Mississippi River shipping faces potential crisis for third straight year

Shipping along the Mississippi River could prove to be a massive headache in 2024, per a recent report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

An unusually warm and dry winter — which allowed the Upper Mississippi River shipping season to begin earlier than usual this year — might herald drought conditions in key areas of the Mississippi River Basin over the coming months.

“Of growing concern will be the potentially low flows on the Mississippi River this summer into fall due to...


Port of New Orleans nets $73M federal grant for container terminal

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The Port of New Orleans has been awarded a $73.77 million federal grant to advance the first...


Water isn’t rising on Mississippi, but barge rates have steadied for now

Although water levels on the Mississippi are showing no signs of an upturn, barge pricing stabilized in the past week and restrictions at one of the largest barge shipping companies have not gotten any tighter.

The weekly Grain Transportation Report published late last week by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) showed barge rates slipping slightly to 549 from 556. The rates are quoted as a percentage of a base rate set to the year 2000, which represents 100. 

However, even though 549 is less...


New Orleans Engineer District starts barging fresh water to treatment plants

Underwater sill implementation reduces need for fresh water bagring

As low water level conditions on the Mississippi River persist, the USACE has started barging fresh river water to Plaquemines Parish, La., water treatment facilities. This water can be mixed with water at the intake to dilute salinity content to levels safe for water treatment.

The intrusion of salt water into the river is a naturally occurring phenomenon because the bottom of the riverbed between Natchez, Miss., and the Gulf of Mexico is below sea level. Denser salt water moves upriver along...


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