Canada invests CA$150M for new container terminal in Montreal

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The Canadian government is investing CA$150 million (US$110 million) to develop a new container...

Montreal port to resume cargo activity after government strike intervention

A tugboat helps park a large containership at the Port of Montreal. by pushing it into the wharf.

Container and bulk terminals at the Port of Montreal will open for business Monday at 7 A.M. after the Canadian government forced an end to a strike by longshoremen, but it could take several days to work through freight backlogs and longer to resume normal operations, the port authority said. 

About 10 vessels are scheduled to enter the Port of Montreal and nearly 20,000 TEUs of container volume were trapped on port property when the work stoppage began, officials said in a statement Saturday.


Spectre of a new Montreal port labour clash sees shippers eye alternatives

The port of Montreal appears to be on course for another flare-up in the confrontation between management and labour.
The past few days have seen an escalation in the conflict, increasing shipper fears of another crippling slowdown in operations.
Tension was already building when the seven-month truce, after last summer’s strike, ended in late March, with both sides accusing each other of negotiating in bad faith.
And in a vote a week before …

The post Spectre of a new Montreal port labour clash...

New Montreal port strike would ‘really stick a knife in the Canadian economy’

Shippers are beginning to make alternative routing arrangements in the event of a renewed strike at the port of Montreal.
And industry groups are warning that a new round of industrial action would seriously hurt supply chains and the Canadian economy.
Stakeholders are worried that a strike at the port could come as soon as late next month, when a truce between Maritime Employers Association and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, …

The post New Montreal port strike would ‘really stick a...

Riding the rebound, Canada’s port of Hamilton positions itself for cargo growth

Canada’s port of Hamilton is preparing for rising cargo traffic with the development of an intermodal satellite hub.
A strong rebound in the second half of last year lifted the annual cargo volume at the port to the level of 2019, reversing an earlier sharp drop in throughput.
“Around June, we were 30% down and it’s been quite a recovery. December volumes were up over 40%,” said Ian Hamilton, president and VEO …

The post Riding the rebound, Canada’s port of Hamilton positions itself for cargo...

Commentary: Railway insight from New England

The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates.

Rail business is often best understood right up close — along a Class I rail company’s branch lines or out along a much smaller regional rail carrier’s track or sometimes inside a port.

With this in mind, this column examines what’s happening in New England. That is the small, six-state area, plus some geography into eastern New York, eastern Quebec and the...

Canadian Pacific celebrates expanded intermodal offerings in Eastern Canada

A photograph of a Canadian Pacific train carrying containers. The train is traveling through a forest.

Canadian Pacific (NYSE: CP) launched its foray into Eastern Canada intermodal service on Tuesday, sending its first westbound intermodal train from Brownville Junction, Maine, and through the Port of St. John to greater Montreal.

The train, carrying containers from the Hapag-Lloyd vessel Detroit Express, was bound for Canadian and U.S. intermodal terminals on CP’s network, the railway said.

“The new Port of Saint John service offers shippers a compelling value: a congestion-free port with a...

CN adjusts operations amid strike at Port of Montreal

A photograph of a train with hauling intermodal containers at a rail yard.

Canadian railway CN (NYSE: CNI) is relying on port terminals in Halifax and elsewhere on the East Coast as longshore workers continue to strike at the Port of Montreal.

“We are monitoring the situation at the Port of Montreal closely and we are in regular contact with the responsible authorities. While we wish the parties [would] reach an agreement quickly, we are adjusting our operations in order to continue to provide service to our customers,” CN told FreightWaves.

Those adjustments entail...

Vessels redirect to other ports as strike chaos continues at Montreal

The stand-off between labour and employers at the port of Montreal saw another strike disrupting container traffic this week.
Frustrated by the situation, carriers have begun to redirect vessels to other ports.
Following the end of consecutive strikes by longshoremen and port checkers, which halted operations at the port’s terminals last week, longshoremen began another 96-hour strike on Monday, which will end on Friday.
Port checkers announced parallel action from Wednesday to Friday …

The post

Delays at port of Montreal drag on as one strike follows another

Disruption at Canada’s port of Montreal has stretched into a fifth day – as longshoremen ended a four-day industrial action yesterday, port checkers launched a one-day strike this morning.
The timing of the actions was designed to create maximum impact, said one forwarder.
By Thursday afternoon, the longshoremen’s strike had affected about a dozen vessels at the port.
“It is certain that the situation is creating undesirable delays for some carriers, as well …

The post Delays at port of Montreal...