Funding secured for new container terminal at Canada’s Port of Montreal

The Canadian government, through Transport Canada, has confirmed that it will invest up to CA$150 million (US$) under the National Trade Corridors Fund to build a new container terminal for the Montreal Port Authority within the city of Contrecoeur, Quebec. The new terminal will increase the Port...

Canada invests CA$150M for new container terminal in Montreal

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The Canadian government is investing CA$150 million (US$110 million) to develop a new container...

Montreal Port Authority president and CEO steps down

The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) has announced that its president and chief executive officer (CEO) Martin Imbleau will step down on 8 September.

“I am extremely grateful for the trust placed in me by the Board of Directors as well as the MPA team, made up of committed, competent people dedicated to operating the present and building the future of the Port of Montreal,” stated Imbleau.

According to the port authority, the board of directors is working now to ensure a healthy transition and to...

Government of Quebec backs Montreal port’s expansion in Contrecoeur

The Montreal Port Authority announced the additional financial support of US$75 million granted to its Contrecoeur expansion project by the Government of Quebec.

This expansion is part of the 2023-2024 budget unveiled by Canada’s Minister of Finance, Éric Girard.

“The Government of Quebec’s support is a concrete gesture to support local businesses with a more efficient, more sustainable and more resilient supply chain,” said Martin Imbleau, president and CEO of the Montreal Port Authority.


Montreal Port Authority collaborates with maritime intelligence firm

Global Spatial Technology Solutions (GSTS), a maritime intelligence company, announced the collaboration with the Montreal Port Authority (MPA) in order to provide a Green Shipping Corridor capability using the OCIANATM platform.

OCIANATM is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that provides maritime vessel and port optimisation and maritime risk management solutions for the global maritime market.

Moreover, the AI platform ingests a wide range of operational and oceanographic data sets and...

Major ports in Canada collaborate to enhance St. Lawrence corridor

The authorities of the Canadian ports in Montreal, Québec and Trois-Rivières have set up a working group to identify and facilitate the implementation of joint initiatives aiming to strengthen the St. Lawrence corridor.

The signing of a collaboration agreement between these three ports on the St. Lawrence River is motivated by strategic, environmental, and economic factors, according to a joint statement.

“Global supply chains are being restructured. Shipping lines and import-export stakeholders...

Montreal port to resume cargo activity after government strike intervention

A tugboat helps park a large containership at the Port of Montreal. by pushing it into the wharf.

Container and bulk terminals at the Port of Montreal will open for business Monday at 7 A.M. after the Canadian government forced an end to a strike by longshoremen, but it could take several days to work through freight backlogs and longer to resume normal operations, the port authority said. 

About 10 vessels are scheduled to enter the Port of Montreal and nearly 20,000 TEUs of container volume were trapped on port property when the work stoppage began, officials said in a statement Saturday.


Quebec backs Montreal Port expansion

The Government of Quebec will invest C$55 million (US$43.22 million) in the development of the Montreal Port Authority (MPA)’s expansion project at Contrecoeur.

In a joint announcement today made by the Minister for Transport and Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montreal Region Chantal Rouleau, the Minister of Transport and Minister Responsible for the Estrie Region François Bonnardel, among others, the ministers said the financial support will allow the MPA to carry out the...

Latest strike forces diversion of Montreal-bound vessels

Longshore worker strikes are cutting off the flow of cargo at the Port of Montreal.

Vessels bound for Montreal are being diverted and containers already there are sitting at the port as the fourth longshore workers strike in just over a month got underway Monday morning.

This walkout differs from the three others this summer in that the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 375 has not said when the 1,125 longshore workers it represents will return to the job.

The previous strikes had...

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