What a centralized tech stack can do for your final-mile shipping

When it comes to the final mile, shipping businesses at scale have a low tolerance for inefficiency.

Traditionally, final-mile business processes have been scattered across multiple programs — one for load matching, another for interacting with customers and another for billing, to name a few. The fragmented nature of the industry has always required shippers to work with many regional carriers or owner-operators, all of which have their own procedures and technology limitations. Shippers end up...


Leveraging technology to build reliability and same-day delivery at scale

Changes in consumer demand paired with global supply chain disruptions present a unique challenge for businesses. Consumers expect increasingly faster delivery and companies of all sizes must compete for their attention.

Businesses often struggle to create ultra-reliable final-mile solutions without stringing together regional partners or managing a fleet of their own — both costly in time and overhead.

Amazon’s recent growth of its same-day delivery services and Walmart’s expansion of its online...


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