Fire Erupts On Antarctic Supply Ship

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has launched an investigation into a fire onboard an Antarctic resupply vessel, with the stricken ship still days from reaching Australia, reports ABC News.

Key points:
  • No-one was injured in the fire, the ship’s operator said
  • The captain has changed course and is heading for the closest Australian port, Fremantle
  • The fire has knocked out one of the ship’s engines
MPV Everest in flames

The MPV Everest will dock in Fremantle, Western Australia,...

Second Fire To Assuage Foreign Flagged Vessels

A serious fire on board the vessel MPV Everest has caused significant damage, with flames engulfing cargo on the deck says an article on HandyShpping.

Opposition to management in foreign hands

The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has made no secret to its strong opposition to the chartering by the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) of the supply ship MPV Everest, which is owned by Luxembourg-based Maritime Construction Services  (MCS) and registered in the Bahamas, placing the operation’s...