Extreme Weather Causes Cargo Loss from Container Vessel

The Dutch Safety Board issued an investigation on the loss of containers from the MSC Zoe in 2019, sharing valuable lessons learned on the shipping routes that pass the Wadden Islands to the north.

The report stressed that minimizing the risks of container loss in the area requires an integrated approach by the container shipping sector, the IMO and the Dutch government.

The incident

In the night of 1 to 2 January 2019, the MSC Zoe with more than 8,000 containers onboard was travelling from Sines...


MSC Zoe report says vessel hit the bottom in storm

A 19,200TEU ship which lost 342 containers in a North Sea storm hit the seabed as the vessel was tossed up and down in heavy seas according to a report into the MSC Zoe incident published on 25 June.

Dutch Safety Board (OVV) investigations, carried out with input from Germany’s BSU and the Panamanian registry reported the storm conditions were not particularly severe, but that the northwesterly winds that were blowing on the day of the incident in January 2019, meant that the waves were steep...


VGM losses are approximately US$6bn, but who’s counting?

Cargo losses as a result of improper weight declarations for cargo carried in containers were meant to have been solved with the introduction of the Verified Gross Mass (VGM) regulation in 2016. But cargo accidents since the introduction of the rule show that it can be ineffective.

The loss of more than a hundred containers from CMA CGM George Washington two years ago is evidence that there is some way to go before the regulation is completely effective, while the major loss of 342 containers...


Ancient wreck found during MSC Zoe lost containers search

Dutch maritime investigators searching for missing containers washed overboard during a North Sea storm have accidentally stumbled on a 16th-century shipwreck, the oldest such a find to date, officials revealed on Wednesday, April 3.

The ancient wreck was discovered during a search for missing containers from the Panama-registered MSC Zoe, which lost almost 350 containers while battling a heavy storm in early January.

Tonnes of debris littered beaches on the Frisian islands, an archipelago off...


MSC Zoe: More lost containers – at least 345

The cargo ship MSC Zoe has not lost 291 containers on the North Sea, but at least 345. This is reported by Rijkswaterstaat on Wednesday, Feb. 6, after a new estimate from the MSC shipping company.

The MSC Zoe lost the containers on the night of 1 to 2 January at the German Wadden Islands. In the following days a part of the contents and containers washed up in the Netherlands.

It is still unclear how many containers have been thrown overboard. Rijkswaterstaat hopes to get more clarity from MSC...


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