MSC: Αλλαγή στρατηγικής για μείωση της πίεσης στους Ναύλους

Αποφάσισε να μεταφέρει όλα τα πλοία megamax της, που έχουν χωρητικότητα από 19.200 έως 24.300 TEU, από τη γραμμή Ασίας – Βόρειας Ευρώπης σε άλλες στρατηγικές διαδρομές, συγκεκριμένα στις γραμμές Ασίας – Μεσογείου και Ασίας – Δυτικής Αφρικής

MSC revises Asia to North America West Coast service network

Swiss/Italian ocean carrier MSC has decided to proceed with announced changes to its standalone network of its East/West services.

In particular, the company will move the vessel fleet deployed on the Mustang service into the Pacific Northwest. “In response to the current market conditions for Transpacific trade, we have decided to deploy tonnage intended for our Mustang service to trades in other parts of the world,” said MSC explaining its decision. Consequently, the container line will...

Motivos por los que MSC retira megamaxes del comercio entre Asia y Europa

En lo que describe como un «movimiento sorpresa», Alphaliner informa que Mediterranean Shipping Co (MSC), la línea de contenedores más grande del mundo, ha decidido cambiar todos sus buques megamax de 19.200 a 24.300 TEU, que actualmente comercian entre Asia y el norte de Europa, a los intercambios...

Τζιανλουίτζι Απόντε: Tο βιβλίο παραγγελιών ναυπηγήσεων της MSC ξεπέρασε τα 2,06 εκατ. teu

Έβαλε τέσσερις ακόμη παραγγελίες την περασμένη εβδομάδα- Αντιπροσωπεύει το 32% του εν λειτουργία στόλου της.

MSC redirects mega ships to Med and West Africa amid North Europe trade decline

MSC has diverted its 19,000 – 24,000 TEU vessels from the Asia-North Europe trade in response to tanking rates, and shifting these boxships to the Asia-West Africa and Asia-Mediterranean routes where the rates are much higher, according to Alphaliner’s report.

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Geopolitical Instability in the Red Sea: Impact on Top-5 Ocean Carriers

The geopolitical instability triggered by the Gaza conflict and Houthi attacks in the Red Sea has significantly disrupted global shipping, with some companies navigating the challenges more effectively than others.

This crisis has underscored the strategic vulnerability of key maritime chokepoints, particularly the Suez Canal, which facilitates around 30% of global container trade. The prolonged disruptions have rippled beyond individual shipping firms, affecting global trade logistics and...