Taiwan Officials Call on Beijing to Ease Regional Military, Economic Tensions

Taiwan’s minister of mainland affairs on Wednesday called on the People’s Republic of China to to ease tensions in the region to maintain security and peace in the Taiwan Strait.

Tai-Sun Chiu told Beijing to stop flaunting its military power and tightening its economic grip on Taipei, said in a prepared video to the Center for New American Security. 

Beijing “has become a destabilizing factor in the Taiwan Strait” that threatens global trade, international shipping and air travel, Chiu said. This...


Panel: ‘Protracted’ Taiwan Crisis Will ‘Percolate for Months”

Chinese sailor underway. Xinhua Photo

China established a new baseline in pressuring Taiwan politically with its most recent exercises, a panel of security experts said Monday.

Following House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) visit to Taiwan, China’s military conducted exercises that involved firing missiles over and around the island and sending fighter and strike aircraft and naval vessels repeatedly across the median line in the waters separating it from the mainland.

