SA Economy Benefits from the Building of New Navy Vessels

3 Inshore Patrol Vessels for SA Navy

On Saturday, the 23rd of February 2019, Damen Shipyards Cape Town (DSCT) hosted a keel laying ceremony, marking the start of construction on the first of three Multi-mission Inshore Patrol Vessels that form part of the South African Navy’s Project Biro. These vessels will aid in protecting the country from threats such as trafficking, illegal fishing and piracy, as well as support job creation and enterprise development.

The keel laying ceremony is a maritime tradition that dates back to the...

Reyes Maroto: “La construcción naval atraviesa un buen momento”

La ministra de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Reyes Maroto, ha presentado este martes la Agenda Sectorial de la Industria Naval, en colaboración con Pymar, Navantia y la Asociación Nacional de Empresas Naúticas (ANEN). Se trata de la quinta agenda sectorial, tras las de automoción, papel, cemento y aeronáutica.


“El sector de la construcción naval en España está atravesando un buen momento, con cifras de contratación importantes que permitirán mantener la actividad en los próximos...