Approval in Principle for containerized LNG solution developed by Marine Service GmbH and Newport Shipping

Approval in Principle for containerized LNG solution developed by Marine Service GmbH and Newport Shipping

From left: Christian Krämer, Managing Director Marine Service GmbH, Hamburg, Rolf Stiefel, Marine Chief Executive for Central Europe and Russia, Bureau Veritas SA, Hamburg, Ingmar Loges, Managing Director Newport Shipping

Marine Service GmbH and Newport Shipping are proud to announce an Approval in Principle from Bureau Veritas (BV) for a jointly developed containerized LNG solution.

The 40′...

LNG Solution Could Resolve Headaches For Shipowners As They Wrestle With Retrofit Options

The use of a dual-fuel LNG engine can provide a commercially robust solution compared with alternative fuel technologies. Credit - Newport Shipping

The need to upgrade ships in line with new environmental rules represents a billion-dollar dilemma for the industry as it faces a range of commercial and technical risk factors that will determine whether retrofits for alternative fuels will be worth the investment.

It is estimated that investments of as much as $182 billion will be required on ship machinery and onboard storage for ships to run on low-carbon fuels, both for retrofits and newbuilds, between 2030 and 2050 in order to halve...

BWTS installation clock is ticking

Shipowners who are dragging their heels on ballast water treatment system installations in hopes of saving money could end up paying a much higher price in the long run.

That caution comes from Lianghui Xia, managing director of U.K.-based ship repair and retrofit group Newport Shipping.

Xia cites statistics from Clarksons’ World Fleet Register that indicate that thus far only 20,483 ships have so far installed or have on order BWT systems mandated by IMO regulations, leaving around 35,000...

Newport Shipping Unveils DNV Approved LNG Retrofit Concept

Newport Shipping developed innovative liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel tank system for crude tankers and bulkers gains a key preliminary class approval to facilitate retrofits of such vessels in line with new environmental requirements to cut maritime emissions, says an article published in Marine Insight.

About the AiP from DNV

The approval-in-principle (AIP) from classification society DNV affirms the technical feasibility of the concept for the VLCC and Capesize vessel classes, and paves the...