GAO Report on Navy Readiness and Shipyard Improvement

Changes in Cost Estimates for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Dry Dock Project

The following is the June 28, 2023, Government Accountability Office report, Navy Readiness: Actions Needed to Address Cost and Schedule Estimates for Shipyard Improvement. 

From the reportWhat GAO Found

The Navy has not developed a full cost and schedule estimate for its Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP)—an effort to improve its dry docks, facilities, and equipment—and reports that it will not be able to do so until fiscal year 2025. In the interim, the Navy plans to provide...

Overview of Department of Defense Maintenance Depots

The following is the Dec. 30, 2022, Congressional Research Service’s In Focus report, Defense Primer: Department of Defense Maintenance Depots.

From the report

Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.) §2464 requires the Department of Defense (DOD) to “maintain a core logistics capability that is government-owned and government-operated [GOGO]… to ensure a ready and controlled source of technical competence and resources necessary to ensure effective and timely response to a mobilization, national...

USS Harry S. Truman Out of Maintenance After 10 Months; Material Challenges Caused 3-Month Delay

USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) departed Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) for sea trials on May 12 following completion of its Extended Carrier Incremental Availability (ECIA). US Navy Photo

Aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) is out of maintenance at Norfolk Naval Shipyard and will enter the basic pre-deployment training cycle, after a seven-month maintenance period extended to 10 months due to material challenges, USNI News understands.

Truman went into the repair yard in July 2020...

Rep Luria Letter to President Biden on Maritime-centric National Defense Strategy

The following is a March 26, 2021 letter from Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.) to President Joe Biden calling for a maritime-focused national defense strategy. Luria is a former surface warfare officer and is currently the vice-chair of the House Armed Services Committee.

March 26, 2021
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Biden,

I write at a critical juncture in our nation’s history, as we find ourselves again engaged in a great power...

Luria: Navy Should Not Decommission Ships Early in Favor of New Construction

Guided-missile cruiser USS Port Royal (CG-73) transits the Strait of Hormuz, Feb. 8, 2021. US Marine Corps Photo

Decommissioning ships that have viable service life at a faster rate than industry can build new ones is not how the Navy should grow the fleet, the vice chairwoman of the House Armed Services Committee said Monday.

Speaking at a Hudson Institute online forum, Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.) said “the math doesn’t work” for the Navy to potentially decommission any ships early.

“I don’t see...

Navy, Lawmaker Split Over Timeline to Renovate Public Repair Yards

Terrance Wells, from San Diego, ties straps for a containment project on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) on Oct. 26, 2020. US Navy Photo

The Navy faces a conundrum in renovating its centuries-old public shipyards.

On one hand, the sooner the yards are redesigned with more efficient layouts and overhauled to have the latest tools and machines, the sooner yard employees can start repairing submarines and aircraft carriers at a faster pace and dig...

Navy Claims Victories in Modernizing Public Yards While Congress Questions Pace

USS Boise (SSN 764) arrived at Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Newport News Shipbuilding division to begin its 25-month extended engineering overhaul on June 18, 2018, but ultimately had to return to Naval Station Norfolk to continue awaiting maintenance because there was no room at Newport News for the sub amid two other boats’ maintenance overruns. Huntington Ingalls Industries’ photo.

The Navy is moving into the next phase of a wholesale revision of its ship maintenance infrastructure. Last...

Navy: Norfolk Naval Shipyard CO Removed Over Poor On-Time Maintenance Rates

Capt. Kai Torkelson. US Navy Photo

The commander of Norfolk Naval Shipyard has been relieved of duty related to the yard’s ongoing performance struggles in repairing and modernizing nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft carriers, officials told USNI News on Tuesday.

Commander of Naval Sea Systems Command Vice Adm. Bill Galinis removed Capt. Kai Torkelson today due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command, according to a NAVSEA statement.

“The issues are related due to a loss of...

GAO: Naval Shipyards Still Under-Resourced; Delays On Sub, Carrier Work Will Continue

USS Jefferson City (SSN-759) departs Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard after completing an engineering overhaul to prolong the life of the submarine. US Navy Photo

It’s no secret that the Navy’s four public shipyards have prioritized attack submarines last, instead of focusing the yards’ limited resources on aircraft carrier maintenance and ballistic missile submarine refuelings. But even though the SSBN refuelings are drawing to an end, which should free up resources for SSN maintenance, a Government...