French Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, presided the signing of the contract for the supply of wagons that will circulate on the Cherbourg-Mouguerre multimodal motorway on behalf of Lohr and Brittany Ferries. Main characteristics of this ‘rail motorway’: A rail service with sea connections...
2021 Women’s Match Racing World Championship takes over Cherbourg
2021 Women’s Match Racing World Championship takes over Cherbourg
The 2021 Women’s Match Racing World Championship, featuring Olympic and America’s Cup champions, is set to take over Europe’s second largest artificial harbour – Cherbourg-en-Cotentin in Normandy, France – from tomorrow (Thursday, 28 October).
The eight teams of four and five crew members from Finland, France, Netherlands, Sweden and UK will compete over four days of intense racing on J/80 fixed keel one-design sports boats.
COLUMN | The ocean on a plank [Tug Times]
“When the Deities protect you, it is possible to cross the ocean on a plank of wood. Without their help, you may drown in a wayside ditch.” – Chinese ..
BOOK REVIEW | Mastermind of Dunkirk and D – Day – The Vision of Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay
This reviewer is firmly of the opinion that many of the best histories are written by journalists or former journalists. This book is no exception. The author is a ..