North Club: Attention needed for quay contacts in Port of Kingston, Jamaica

According to the North P&I Club, recent years have seen several incidents in the Port of Kingston in Jamaica where vessels have made contact with a particular quay on the entrance to the port’s basin. These contact incidents have caused damage to the port, to the vessel and on sometimes pollution.

On each case, the appropriateness of the speed of approach of the ship into the turning basin was questionable. Other factors that have taken place include:

  • Tugs made fast very late as they did not...

North Club launches safety culture organisational assessment tool

North P&I Club announced the launch of a self-assessment tool for owners and operators to assess and improve their safety performance. Developed in conjunction with leading safety consultancy Green-Jakobsen, the Safety Culture Organisational Assessment tool (SCORA) seeks to enable operators to measure their organisational capacity for safety, both onboard and ashore.

The SCORA is actually an easy-to-use online survey, producing a confidential report that provides an overview of an organisation’s...

North: Cargo cranes on vessels under scrutiny at Longview

The North P&I Club notes that cargo cranes on board ships calling at Longview, WA in the US are coming under scrutiny from International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) inspectors. Specifically, recent incidents regard calling vessels failing strict ILWU crane inspections conducted before cargo operations.

As North Club mentions, a common finding is grooving of crane sheaves which ILWU inspectors consider to be excessive and in breach of Rule 266 of the ILWU Code.

It would appear that Rule...

Port operations continue as normal in Pakistan after tension with India

Tensions between India and Pakistan are rising after a militant attack which killed over 40 Indian troops in disputed Kashmir on 14 February 2019. As the North Club informs, port operations are continuing as normal, however any Indian ship calling at Pakistan may be considered as a concern under the current situation.

Namely, there are reports that 40 paramilitary police were killed during the suicide attack on an Indian security convoy in Pulwama in Indian administered Kashmir. Jaish-e-Mohammad...

Vessel detentions in Indonesia due to ‘illegal anchoring’

According to the North P&I Club, its correspondents Spica in Indonesia informed about an increasing number of vessels being detained by Indonesian authorities while they are at anchor in the waters around the island of Bintan.

Bintan is a popular place for vessels to anchor because of its location which is near the shipping lanes. However, the anchorages are located within Indonesian territorial waters and Spica reported that at least 20 vessels have been detained for ‘illegal anchoring’.


Watch: North Club launches can test training pack to address liquefaction risk

North P&I Club has launched a new series of bite-sized training packs to help seafarers avoid the contributing factors to workplace casualties, as well as unplanned events that had the potential to result in injury, illness, or damage. The first training pack focuses on the Can Test, the IMSBC complementary test for bulk cargoes, to address suspected bulk cargo liquefaction, which has claimed lives of an estimated 112 seafarers since 2007.

The Can Test provides ships’ crews with an indication of...

Safety Culture: Easy in theory…

Colin Gillespie, Deputy Director of Loss Prevention at North P&I Club, provides an overview of how safety culture is implemented in maritime companies, focusing mostly on the difficulties that organizations have to encounter in order to implement an actual safety culture.

1. A CEO makes a statement that safety is the way we do business going forward
2. A mission statement around “safety vision” is written
3. Stretch KPIs – very low numbers LTIFs or zero incidents – are created
4. Communicate to...

UAE compulsory IACS classification for certain flags

The North P&I Club reminds that from the 1st January 2019 the UAE will require that selected flagged vessels are classed by a classification society that is a member of the IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) or with Tasneef (UAE society).

This requirement will apply to vessels calling at UAE ports or anchor or performing bunkering operations within the UAE’s EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone).

The 25 flag states which must comply with the requirement are the following:

  1. Albania...

North Club, AoS give presents to seafarers during Christmas

North P&I Club and seafarers’ charity Apostleship of the Sea have collaborated to spread the Christmas spirit to seafarers for a second year in a row, by handling over 67 Christmas shoeboxes to Paul Atkinson, AoS port chaplain for Blyth & Tyne.

The shoeboxes will be distributed to seafarers over the Christmas period. Because approximately the 90% of the world’s products are being transported by sea, seafarers may spend up to a year at a time away from home. Their isolation and loneliness can be...

SeaSense – Expert Thinking on Mental Health

In an era where most working people have less time and more stress, mental health has risen as a big topic for every industry, and the maritime world could not stay unaffected.  This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, sheds focus on mental health issues which in shipping industry relate to the nature of seafarers’ job, characterized not only by intensive work hours, but also by isolation, being away from family for too long, fatigue, and many others....