VESSEL REVIEW | Boqiang 3060 – Chinese construction firm places large-capacity installation jackup into service

Boqiang Heavy Industry's wind turbine installation vessel Boqiang 3060

Chinese shipbuilder CIMC Raffles has handed over a new large jackup wind turbine installation vessel (WTIV) to compatriot private offshore wind construction company Boqiang Heavy Industry. The aptly named Boqiang 3060 (博强3060; “Broad Power 3060”) was designed and built by CIMC Raffles in compliance to China Classification Society (CCS) rules as well as standards covering […]

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COLUMN | Safety culture matters: Pemex and Perenco on the wrong side of history [Offshore Accounts]

Offshore is one of the industries with the biggest risk profiles in the world. When bad things happen in offshore, people die, often there are explosions and sinkings, fires and oil spills, and the environment can be badly polluted, killing seabirds, fish, dolphins and coral, and inflicting...

COLUMN | Quick updates: PSVs changing hands; subsea newbuilds; Guyana booming; rigs fixing higher [Offshore Accounts]

Money is being made in offshore once again, but tragically lives are also being lost unnecessarily. Earlier this week, we examined how Perenco’s dysfunctional safety culture in Gabon, leading to six people dead or lost in an explosion. This is a sad backdrop for an industry booming at last. Stop...

Polish operator orders crewboat for Baltic Sea windfarm support

Polish offshore support vessel operator the Lotos Petrobaltic Group has awarded Singapore shipbuilder Strategic Marine a contract for the construction of a new catamaran crewboat. The vessel will be built to a design by UK-based BMT. Following its scheduled delivery in early September of this year,...

COLUMN | Perenco’s shame and Gabon’s lax standards: a fatal combination [Offshore Accounts]

In an industry is awash with cash and record profits, it is tragic to see five people confirmed dead in an accident on a Perenco platform offshore Gabon, and one other worker still missing, presumed also killed, as per the most recent update. Last Wednesday, there was a fire on the Becuna platform...

COLUMN | Petrofac-ed, the Wood Group and Petroserv: restructurings and transformation [Offshore Accounts]

“Fix the balance sheet before you fix the business.” This was the sage advice we gave two weeks ago when we compared Tidewater to its moribund and indebted competitors. We noted that Hornbeck, Bourbon, and Edison Chouest still have some way to go in resolving their balance sheet problems. But if...

VESSEL REVIEW | Wim Wolff – Coastal and mudflat research boat designed for Netherlands’ Wadden Sea

The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek; NIOZ) recently welcomed a new coastal research vessel into service. The vessel has been named Wim Wolff after a Dutch ecologist who specialised in mudflat research. Aarnoud van de Burgt, the head of NIOZ’s National Marine Facilities Department, said the vessel is capable of […]

The post VESSEL REVIEW | Wim Wolff – Coastal and mudflat research boat designed for Netherlands’ Wadden Sea appeared first on Baird...

Future ammonia-powered containership to serve North Sea routes

Belgian marine engineering firm CMB.Tech has secured an order for the development of an ammonia-powered container vessel in partnership with Norwegian companies Yara Clean Ammonia, North Sea Container Line, and Yara International. The vessel, to be named Yara Eyde, will be a 1,400TEU, ice-class...

COLUMN | Where the wind blows part 1: Borealis, IT Telecoms, TotalEnergies, Ørsted and Vestas [Offshore Accounts]

One of the warmest winters on record seems to be drawing to a close in Europe, and the North Sea spot market is roaring back. On Friday, the 251 tonnes bollard pull anchor handler Maersk Mariner was spot chartered by Anasuria Operating Company at the princely day rate of £45,000 (US$57,000) for...

Dutch sea research institute christens new coastal vessel

The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek; NIOZ) formally named a new coastal research vessel in a ceremony on Thursday, February 15. The vessel has been named Wim Wolff after a Dutch ecologist who specialised in mudflat research. Aarnoud van de Burgt,...