Successful Pilot Project Verifies Application Of Autonomous Subsea Wind Farm Platforms

Credit: thorsten-hack-unsplash

New autonomous platforms and workflows integrate seamlessly with resident ‘mothership’ operations at the Deutsche Bucht Offshore Wind Farm.

Pilot Project Concluded

Teams from wind farm owner Northland Power and marine technology company Subsea Europe Services have successfully concluded a pilot project to apply state-of-the-art Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USV) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) to marine survey and underwater inspection operations at the Deutsche...

COLUMN | The Twelve Days of Christmas 2022, Final Edition: Havfram, Eneti, Cyan Renewables, Taiwanese wind, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners; DOF’s rebel shareholders; Seadrill and Aquadrill reunited, Odjfell resurgent! [Offshore Accounts]

Merry Christmas! On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me… twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping and so on, all the way bac ..

The post COLUMN | The Twelve Days of Christmas 2022, Final Edition: Havfram, Eneti, Cyan Renewables, Taiwanese wind, Copenhagen...

RWE to test hydrogen production technology on proposed offshore wind farm

German renewables company RWE is developing an offshore wind farm off the German coast together with Canadian partner Northland Power. The Nordsee Two wind farm with a pl ..

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