Specialised Workboat News Roundup | June 19 – US rocket launch base order, German electric harbour craft and more

A new workboat has been delivered to a Norwegian coastal waterway authority as construction continues on a pilot station ship in China and a research vessel for a French museum. Orders have meanwhile been placed for two German electric workboats and a sea-going rocket launch base in the United States. Chinese-built pilot station vessel floated […]

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Norwegian Coastal Administration welcomes third workboat in series

The Norwegian Coastal Administration workboat Runde (left)

The Norwegian Coastal Administration (Kystverket) recently took delivery of a new aluminium workboat. Runde is the the third in a series of workboats that also includes Stabben and Skrova, which were handed over to Kystverket in December last year. The boat will be used for maintenance of...


VESSEL REVIEW | Stabben & Skrova – Norwegian Coastal Administration adds maintenance workboats to fleet

The Norwegian Coastal Administration (Kystverket) has expanded its vessel fleet with the recent acquisition of two aluminium workboats. Stabben and Skrova are the first two in a series of workboats ordered by the Kystverket. The vessels will perform a range of duties that include marine traffic management, maintenance of lighthouses and aids to navigation, towing, […]

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